One Fine Acre - 2023 4H Steer Project Update


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Oh i thought you said last year was 118lbs for 2nd place and climate was projected at 125lbs....i know nothing about this can you tell :lol:

What are your long term plans with the togs? I ask this knowing i have no long term plans myself atm..:hide I would like to show some day though...if we have any shows near us. We did have a ADGA show last year and had a good turn out for a first show. They ended up with over 100 total goats in the show, they were shocked because they were hoping to hit maybe 50 goats. They were however short one doe to do the Sannen class out of the classes they had wanted to do.


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
What I meant was last year the doe who finished 2nd place for fat milked 118 lbs
That was just for reference for where Climate stands
Our plan?
We were planning to be the best Nigerian breeders we could be
I guess now we have a 2nd breed to be the best we can be
Our friend/ mentor who is also our veterinarian has bred Toggs for 25 years
His kids are grown now and he wanted to see his goats in the youth show at the fair.
He knows that we take it serous and take good care of our animals.
Maurine is his milk tested so the goats were bartered although we will owe him a little money
Both Freday and Climate Controls dam's were ADGA National Champs
So I guess from our perspective if someone is going to give you the opportunity to start at that level you take it
And I guess Climates milk test results are an indication that he made a good choice with us. We got her half through lactation and were able to keep her at that level
I think next year we will definitely have some experimental/recorded grades
Climate is. PB Togg and Freday is American
Toggs are supposed to be a medium sized goat but the Americans are getting larger

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
I think it is great. I was reading a post or article can't remember which, but the Toggs are going to disappear if people don't keep them going.
Don't quote me on this but I think they were the first breed for the ADGA.

I can see why they are getting bigger because of the need to cross in Alpines and Saanens for genetic diversity and breed back to an American status.

They are beautiful goats.


True BYH Addict
Jul 16, 2012
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Florida- land of the endless parasites
I think it is great. I was reading a post or article can't remember which, but the Toggs are going to disappear if people don't keep them going.
Don't quote me on this but I think they were the first breed for the ADGA.

I can see why they are getting bigger because of the need to cross in Alpines and Saanens for genetic diversity and breed back to an American status.

They are beautiful goats.

They are beautiful! You've also done a great job with them. We started with full sized goats, then added Nigerians, but I feel like full size goats are generally harder to raise than the Nigerians. First year with two in the top ten just can't be beat! Does Rachel enjoy showing them?

"Our" Florida Togg breeder moved to Tennessee. (Seaquest) I always loved the Togg/Lamancha grade does she had- due to an oops one year I think. I'm sure that's not what you're looking for, but the Togg color with gopher ears is just so lovely.

What do you think of them getting bigger? I don't really like the trend of the LMs getting bigger. They are supposed to be a medium sized goat. To me, at 200#ish doe who is nearly as tall as a Saanen just isn't that. But that's another rant...

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
They are beautiful! You've also done a great job with them. We started with full sized goats, then added Nigerians, but I feel like full size goats are generally harder to raise than the Nigerians. First year with two in the top ten just can't be beat! Does Rachel enjoy showing them?

"Our" Florida Togg breeder moved to Tennessee. (Seaquest) I always loved the Togg/Lamancha grade does she had- due to an oops one year I think. I'm sure that's not what you're looking for, but the Togg color with gopher ears is just so lovely.

What do you think of them getting bigger? I don't really like the trend of the LMs getting bigger. They are supposed to be a medium sized goat. To me, at 200#ish doe who is nearly as tall as a Saanen just isn't that. But that's another rant...
I agree Standards are generally harder keepers, but I think much depends on the lines as well. Seems the more fru fru the harder they are to keep.
It bothers me that the LM is getting so tall and big. I do think crossing breeds for experimentals can be beneficial but I also think crossing LM's to Saanens & Alpines just to get larger udders and greater capacity/production is overall causing the issues and hurting the Lamanchas.

We have heard from a few real long timers in goats about the Togg getting so large as well.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
What I meant was last year the doe who finished 2nd place for fat milked 118 lbs
That was just for reference for where Climate stands
Our plan?
We were planning to be the best Nigerian breeders we could be
I guess now we have a 2nd breed to be the best we can be
Our friend/ mentor who is also our veterinarian has bred Toggs for 25 years
His kids are grown now and he wanted to see his goats in the youth show at the fair.
He knows that we take it serous and take good care of our animals.
Maurine is his milk tested so the goats were bartered although we will owe him a little money
Both Freday and Climate Controls dam's were ADGA National Champs
So I guess from our perspective if someone is going to give you the opportunity to start at that level you take it
And I guess Climates milk test results are an indication that he made a good choice with us. We got her half through lactation and were able to keep her at that level
I think next year we will definitely have some experimental/recorded grades
Climate is. PB Togg and Freday is American
Toggs are supposed to be a medium sized goat but the Americans are getting larger

You have done awesome with the ND, i can't wait to see what you do with the Togs!

Togs are definitely getting bigger, as i said here it is like two separate breeds almost. Our friend holly has a tog named sweetie, she is a lovely smallish fine boned tog doe. We got two new does one was Vixen(alpine) and one was Nana(tog), she was massive and thick boned.

This is the only picture i have of sweetie, thats a average size commercial boer doe licking the block and a 2yr old boer nubian X buck, you can see sweetie is small then either and finer boned by far then Nana

This is Nana, next to the fully grown alpine Vixen(Nana was bigger then vixen in width and height)
Vixen 5.jpg

We ended up selling them together to an older man because they were great with people but vixen was trying to literally kill our alpine herd matriarch. It sucked too because both were trained to milk and gave a lot of milk.


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
They are beautiful! You've also done a great job with them. We started with full sized goats, then added Nigerians, but I feel like full size goats are generally harder to raise than the Nigerians. First year with two in the top ten just can't be beat! Does Rachel enjoy showing them?

"Our" Florida Togg breeder moved to Tennessee. (Seaquest) I always loved the Togg/Lamancha grade does she had- due to an oops one year I think. I'm sure that's not what you're looking for, but the Togg color with gopher ears is just so lovely.

What do you think of them getting bigger? I don't really like the trend of the LMs getting bigger. They are supposed to be a medium sized goat. To me, at 200#ish doe who is nearly as tall as a Saanen just isn't that. But that's another rant...
We don't have 2 in the top ten
Just Climate
The breeder we got her from has the other doe Modern Design
Technically he has 2 in the top 10

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