One Fine Acre - 2023 4H Steer Project Update


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
We have 20 goats entered in the show this weekend
As of when I left for work this morning 0 were clipped
Imagine my surprise when I got home and 13 were done :ep
Maurine told me the new Premier clippers really do it fast
How much?
How did you pay for them?
Put them on your credit card :ep
Remember 2 weeks ago when you were cooking on the grill enjoying a few cocktails
You told me to get them:ep

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina

The big clippers are fast! But they are heavy! Wears me out. I would love to have some for the Lamanchas.

I was just coming on to mention- I think you must be bringing all the Nigerians! I saw the number of entries published. :eek: Where are all the Nigerians? I know ours are all due in June so we won't have any there, at least no seniors. Nigerian Dwarf sr -11 2 challenge jr 17 bucks -17

Glad to see the numbers are all there though, that is great!


Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC

The big clippers are fast! But they are heavy! Wears me out. I would love to have some for the Lamanchas.

I was just coming on to mention- I think you must be bringing all the Nigerians! I saw the number of entries published. :eek: Where are all the Nigerians? I know ours are all due in June so we won't have any there, at least no seniors. Nigerian Dwarf sr -11 2 challenge jr 17 bucks -17

Glad to see the numbers are all there though, that is great!

7 of the 11 milker's are ours and both of the challengers.
But we are going to have to scratch Taffy in the Champion Challenge. We never got her new registration papers with the GCH designation. The letter you get when they receive the designation is only good for 6 months.

I think we are going to bring a couple extra milker's just in case. I know if Cocoa were happen to go Grand Champion in Ring 1 (not counting on anything), we would want to scratch her. That would only leave 10. What if a judge decides a doe is overheight? Or one get's injured or sick.
We will add a couple of our accidental yearlings to give some cushion.

Where are they all at? Who knows. I had an idea the new show would cut down on our numbers. We have 17 Jrs total. A couple of years ago we had 20 Jr. Dry Yearlings, and 20 Sr. Dry Yearlings alone.

But, as the treasurer, I can say that we have the numbers for the show to break even at least.

I'm meeting the show secretary at lunch today to get the money to make the deposit.

Right now we are short 2 Togg milkers for that to be official, but I believe we have that covered .
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True BYH Addict
Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Florida- land of the endless parasites
7 of the 11 milker's are ours and both of the challengers.


Wow, our shows here are about half Nigerians. Super competitive. I was ring steward for one and there were 29 in one Jr class. 29! There were so many at State fair that the judge picked out 12 and dismissed the rest in every class. Almost makes me want to come up there. But not enough to shave the goats again since our last show was 2 months ago and my "show-er" and "goat shaver" will be gone most of June.

I'm going to have to tell her about those clippers. She uses Oaster Clipmasters for most of the body with a plucking blade for the dark goats and a pair of Andes for legs, feet, faces, and udders. She usually gets lots of requests to shave for people but can only help a few since she has 15+ to do for most shows with just her own goats.

Good luck at the show! I can wait to see how will your herd does.

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