Bayleaf Meadows
True BYH Addict
Well, Easter can be celebrated wherever you are, but I know that the beautiful traditions and prayers that our community participate in would be hard to fit in along with an out of state competition. I try to get to services for Holy Thursday and Good Friday as well, and bake Pascha bread and bring a traditional Easter basket (with ham and cheese, eggs, butter, and such) to share in the agape feast after matins and Liturgy. It's certainly not everyone's way to mark the resurrection of Jesus, and there are plenty of people that wouldn't have any conflict with a show on Easter Sunday. At the same time, I'm probably not the only one who might have a difficulty with that schedule and maybe more people would show if the competition were on a different weekend. Just a thought.
Christ is risen! Alleluia!
Christ is risen! Alleluia!