Southern by choice
Herd Master
We actually sell cheap at $2 a pound on the hoof. Usually I like to cut a deal, we have the same people come over and over and they are very good to the animals.
Keep in mind OFA that meat goat s go to slaughter at right at or just over 60 lbs... 80 lbs is getting too big and the price drops ( at auctions)
That is why we raise the kiko's the dams raise them to really good wean weights very little creep feed if any ( depending on time of year) at 4 months Kikos', Lamancha's and Standard breeds of sairy goat are typically 4-5 months weaned at 90-120 days and it is great. maybe 1 month of hay/feed. $3 on the hoof is not unreasonable. We do what we do because I don't have a trailer and 20-30 goats to take to auction.
Keep in mind OFA that meat goat s go to slaughter at right at or just over 60 lbs... 80 lbs is getting too big and the price drops ( at auctions)
That is why we raise the kiko's the dams raise them to really good wean weights very little creep feed if any ( depending on time of year) at 4 months Kikos', Lamancha's and Standard breeds of sairy goat are typically 4-5 months weaned at 90-120 days and it is great. maybe 1 month of hay/feed. $3 on the hoof is not unreasonable. We do what we do because I don't have a trailer and 20-30 goats to take to auction.