Southern by choice
Herd Master
Ouch !
OFA it is horribly sad. Most people just don't know the whole picture. You as well as most would be appalled.
Think about it this way...all the calls I get are about dogs that someone got from someone else who bred two dogs together yet they can't help the person they sold the dog to. I NEVER mind helping the person... it isn't their fault and it is not the dogs fault. I do mind when I see breeders breed a bitch 5 times in 2 years. I do mind when I see LGD pups weighing 10-12 lbs at 8 weeks... I do mind when someone who at first wants to learn how to do things the right way but once they realize it is actual work and that the reality is it is so easy to sell an 8 week old dog and they didn't have to do anything so they abandon the doing it right because why bother? When they can sell em just as easy. This is why so many in rescues, so many shot, so many digging, chasing, running away etc. I do mind when someone says the dog is a purebred pyr... the pups are all brown. Not possible. Who knows what the father was.
I try to explain that most "breeders" just don't have the experience or knowledge in evaluating... no need to disparage the breeder. Better to just educate the owner and help them where they are. At the same time MOST will not do what is necessary to correct the mistakes made. People are lazy and will do whatever they can to do the least they can. So they get rid of one dog and justify it by saying well we are going to start over and get another dog.
Think about your upcoming litter and how much you love

Your heart will be broken.