Just teasing. I get it. Our pyr is only allowed in 3 rooms.
The GSD, Mutt are allowed everywhere but Living room.
Although they usually stay in a bedroom of their choice at night and in the main 3 rooms in the day.
Rita is currently confined to the same rooms as Badger.
Whenever I bring D in the house he goes from room to room to find everyone. He is a nut!
Sassy (the Aussie) had the run of the house before we brought Lance home but the two of them shed non-stop so we started restricting them to one room. We had Maisy in a few times and she has no idea what to do. She just stands by the door waiting to go back out but she was only taken out of the pasture to go to the vet and nothing else. In spite of that she does good on a leash (as long as you are going where she wants to go).
My two BCs are allowed anywhere in the house, but not on most of the furniture, the have one chair that is theirs and they have big doggie beds. They are 9 years old and the other night one jumped on the sofa and took a nap. I'm trying to figure that out...then I come in the house today and the same one is in the recliner. Why after 9 years has she decided to sleep on the furniture? Weird dogs.
@Mike CHS, did you train your dogs for herding? You might enjoy this video.
Ya know Babs years ago one of my best sheps was found on the couch, she was old. I noticed she would sneak up after we had gone to bed. I felt at her age and her loyal service she deserved and had earned the right to sleep where her old bones wanted to.
Unfortunately I must be in the grandma stage without grandchildren because Badger lives on the couch and Rita already thinks the couch and bed are hers. That is why I like leather furniture.