Trouble is still hanging in there, but she is progressing as far as I can tell. She is becoming more and more uncomfortable all the time.
This past three days she has been moaning and groaning in a way that is not normal for her; her usual "Maa" is all together different.
I know each doe is different but is this normal?
I'm starting to wonder if something is wrong?
I know! I'll try and capture some video and sound later today and post a link to it so some of you wiser people can have a look/listen and share with me your thoughts.
Thank you again for baring with me through all of this, I cannot express how much I appreciate all your guidance and support.
New pictures and video/sound coming shortly. (If she cooperates.)
I almost forgot! All the attention Trouble has been getting I forgot to show you the Daddy!
This is Trevor, he is a 1 year old Cashmere. (We also have his twin, Corey.)
Sticking his lip out
I like this one
Trouble Update
No moaning today as of yet. Funny, she had been moaning for 3 days and now all of a sudden she has stopped. (I'm uploading the short video and will link it here when its done so you can hear what I've been listening to these past few days.
Some new pictures of her, you may not be able to see very well but her back end drops off now in a slope.
I can reach around the top of her tailbase and feel my thumb and finger together.
She mounted the ride-on lawnmower this morning for whatever reason, then went on a very small walkabout. she has gone back in the barn again.
If a baby has moved down (back?) it may have made more room for her GI tract and lungs and such so she's feeling better, no moaning. Of course when active labor starts...
Love the pics of Trevor! Now I'm even more excited for baby pics.
My tortoise got frisky with a lawn mower once (ok, several times) but never any offspring