Our Parker Is Gone


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
I have not had the time to cry. You certainly opened my dam. :hugs I need these tears. I think they have been building too long.
Grief is a process. Tears are a part of that process and crying may hurt, but you need that release. It sounds weird, but crying your eyes out will make you feel better. Keeping it all up inside hurts even worse because you are not dealing with your loss. Once you acknowledge that loss and grieve over that loss, only then can you pick up the pieces and move forward. It is different for every person, but grief is real and it is necessary. You can grieve here, most of us have been there and we are here for you. When I was holding 2 dying newborn lambs in my arms, the wonderful people here, well, let's just say I could feel the love. When we had to put the ewe down 2 days later, I was shattered. She was my favorite, my pet and I loved her dearly. My friends here were so kind, so caring and they had my back. We got your back.

Duckling and Spider

True BYH Addict
May 8, 2017
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Thank you.
My sister just sent me a picture of her newest dog. I’ve yet to meet him. At 125 pounds, and still growing, I think it’s safe to say he’s not just a black lab.
The picture made me think of you. Which made me think about my dog... apparently I’m ready to grieve. That or my eyes are broken.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
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S Indiana
@Duckling and Spider losing a beloved pet is hard! We’ve buried three dogs this year. Two from old age and one from an accident (she was barely one and taken way too soon!) We’ve grieved and grieved and grieved some more. :hitWe were finally ready to get another and got her Friday evening. It’ll all work out when the timing is right! Sending lots of hugs!! :hugs:hugs:hugs


Herd Master
Mar 7, 2018
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Just found this post after reading about your new dog. It is hard to lose a pet that has touched your heart in a way no other has. Its especially hard when you dont realize they are sick. Parker certainly was a special baby. Im sorry for your loss. :hugs :hit


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Thanks @Rammy. I have the laptop balancing on the sleeping pup that is taking up all the space in my lap. LOL He certainly helps to amuse us, make us smile and he will bring joy into our lives. Parker was one of those special beyond special dogs, that goes into our memories of loving and being loved by a great dog. We miss him every day.


Loving the herd life
Feb 15, 2018
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West Tennessee
Bay, I am so sorry for your loss and for all those on here that have lost their best friends as well. Seeing how much you all on here love your four-legged companions, I would like to tell you my story.
In March 2005, another stray dog found its way to our house. We tried to run him off. We had two dogs already. He always came back. We never fed him figuring he would leave when he got hungry enough. The other dogs were in a pen so he couldn't get any of theirs. We found out that he would sleep under the shed. He followed us everywhere on the farm, 42+ acres. Never got close enough to touch. He was solid black except for a small white speck on his chest. Next month, still there. So we had to feed him. In July, we were walking through the tomato field. The dog was trailing me. I stopped, kneeled down and waited. He came up and slipped his head under my arm. He was around 1 year old. He was a Chabrador (chow/lab mix). He looked like a lab but had short legs and a solid purple tongue. Anytime anyone was outside he was there. I named him Shadow. He loved all animals. When a kitten died, he tried to wake it up. Fed them when their mother's did not come home. He brought catfish and bullfrogs from the creek. One day I even had to take a rabbit he found away from him because it was covered in ticks. But he was terrified of thunder.
In 2012, mt dad's best friend died of cancer. He left behind a little Chiwennie. Her name was Prissy but we changed it to Wiggle because of the way she wiggle when she walked. His partner would leave and she would be gone for a week at a time. The little dog would not eat when alone. So we took her in. She was 3 years old. She went everywhere we went. She was the sweetest dog. I never did like small dogs much but I loved her with all my heart.
In Nov. 2014, I was waiting on a GSD puppy. We then found out my dad's brother was dying. We new he was sick but never knew he had colon cancer. He died Dec. 6, 2014. I got a GSD puppy on Jan 5, 2015. Mostly black with tan legs.
Then in March, little Wiggle got sick one evening. She threw up and I thought she ate something that upset her belly. She was always hungry, the bottomless pit. The next day she didn't feel real good, but ate and drank water. The day after that she kept drinking water and throwing up. We took her to the vet. They said it had to be antifreeze poisoning. We said that can't be, we have nothing leaking or any jugs around. Plus she was a house dog always with us, but please help her. They put pure grain alcohol into her IV. We went to she her everyday. She was always drunk like and terrified of being there. But we wanted her better so much. I called every morning and saw her every evening before closing. That was their visiting times. On the 4th day I called, "she's doing ok, raising her head up, looking around." I was happy that she was improving and went to my farm work. 2 1/2 hours later the Vet called and said she was gone. She had stopped breathing and they could not get her back. We were devastated. We went to pick her up later that day and even my dad could not keep his composure when the vet brought her out. We buried her in my flower bed near my rose bush. She was 1 month from her 6th b-day.
Then in May, my Shadow started throwing up. We did not take him to the vet because he was so afraid of it when when had his ear worked on the year before. We kept his pain eased and I helped him down the steps to go to the bathroom. He slept in his recliner on the porch. He was sick for 3 days before I knew the end was near. The last time he tried to stand up, he collapsed and he stopped breathing then his legs went rigid, his eyes got that far away look and his kidneys released. He was dead. I started crying while I hugged him telling him I was sorry and I loved him and then he gasped in a breath. My dad and my grandmother were there and they were both amazed. He heard me and came back too me. After about 25 minutes I needed to go check on the goats and Shadow was resting with his eyes closed. So I walked down the steps toward the goat shed but my dad called out to me saying come back, he's looking for you. I walked back and Shadow was looking around with glazed eyes and he was shaking. I sat down beside him and he liked my hand and laid his head in my lap. I held him and he stopped shaking and closed his eyes back. I told him I was there, I loved him, would never forget him and that he could let go. He took a few more breaths and then peacefully passed away right where he wanted to be. He was 11 1/2 years old.
In June my grandfather got real sick. He didn't know where he was most of the time. Then we found out that their radiator cap was leaking after the truck had been running. We realized my grandfather had been getting dementia for a while. It was because of that that he did not know his radiator was leaking. He died in August of that same year.
My GSD is now 3 years old.
Does anyone here believe in reincarnation? Not in people but in dogs? My dad was driving around one evening this past spring on a empty road lined with soybean and corn fields. He went around a bend and saw something move on the side of the road. He stopped and backed up. He opened the door and shined his spotlight. A puppy raised up saw him and ran to the truck wanting in. My dad brought him home but said we needed to take him back because he might belong to somebody. We took him back and I put him across the ditch then turned to run back to the truck. The puppy beat me back in. We took him home. We spent a month looking for his owners but nobody claimed him. He is now 11 months old although I do not know what he is. He looks similar to a Burmese Mountain Dog.