Roll farms
Spot Master
We've always kept our rabbits in whatever building we had room for them. My DH decided he wanted to really make a go of his rabbit hobby so he had a 'prefab' barn brought in.
He put a lot of thought into what type of cages, feeders, and waterers he wanted. All of them came from "KD Cage" here in Indiana. The waterers have nipple valves and fill from the top (you don't have to remove them to fill them) and the feeders come in 2 pcs. so you don't have to cut the cages to mount them.
One long wall has all the cages
The other wall has all his 'stuff' and my silkie pen
We currently have 2 Silver Fox bucks, 3 silver fox does, a pair of Mini Rex, a NZ white doe, and a trio of Flemish Giants (2 blue and 1 black).
This is Bambi, one of our Silver Fox does. She has 3 kits in her nestbox.
This is the Flemish nestbox, w/ 9 kits.
Our Opal mini rex doe
A NZ white doe, Blinkie
One of the SF bucks (he's awfully light, but we use him on does who need more silvering)
A new Flemish Giant doe kit we got recently.
A SF doe we picked up this weekend. We're hoping for blue kits from her, she and the buck she's bred to have a lot of blue in their pedigrees.
Another Jr SF doe

He put a lot of thought into what type of cages, feeders, and waterers he wanted. All of them came from "KD Cage" here in Indiana. The waterers have nipple valves and fill from the top (you don't have to remove them to fill them) and the feeders come in 2 pcs. so you don't have to cut the cages to mount them.
One long wall has all the cages

The other wall has all his 'stuff' and my silkie pen

We currently have 2 Silver Fox bucks, 3 silver fox does, a pair of Mini Rex, a NZ white doe, and a trio of Flemish Giants (2 blue and 1 black).
This is Bambi, one of our Silver Fox does. She has 3 kits in her nestbox.

This is the Flemish nestbox, w/ 9 kits.

Our Opal mini rex doe

A NZ white doe, Blinkie

One of the SF bucks (he's awfully light, but we use him on does who need more silvering)

A new Flemish Giant doe kit we got recently.

A SF doe we picked up this weekend. We're hoping for blue kits from her, she and the buck she's bred to have a lot of blue in their pedigrees.

Another Jr SF doe