Are you looking over all the organs? Do you know what healthy organs look like to compare to?
Cocci usually leaves lesions on the liver, white spots. Pale, overly dark, faint streaks or being enlarged are all signs in the liver of illness.
Pale lungs, too dark, spots or too large are also signs.
Too much air, liquid, spots, necrosis of the intestines aren't good.
Cloudy pee is usually caused by too much calcium or too rich in protein. Rabbits pee rainbows.
Why are you nursing kits over 6wks old? In the wild, they wean around 3-4wks. Some extended nursing can help them grow, but it keeps strain on the mom. Plus, there are so many rabbits in the same area, it raises health and sanitation issues.
Actually, we harvest all organs for dog food, so yes, I look them over. We wean at 6-7 weeks depending on growth.
The results of the necropsy was somewhat inconclusive. It identified baterial infection as the most likely cause of death, however, the vet noted it was unclear what the source of the various bacteria may have been and couldn't explain how a bacterial infection would break out through the entire rabbitry at one time. Especially since the level of bacteria found should not have been lethal to a healthy rabbit. It is highly suspected that the cause of death was multifaceted and the rabbits may have been compromised by an imbalance in the diet. Since changing off the Countryside Feed, the deaths have ceased and all rabbits appear to be improving.
Based on the expense associated with further testing, we are not going to dig further. I don't really want to wind up in a litigation with the company anyways, and I doubt the conclusion will be specific enough to cause them to just agree to pay out for $750 worth of dead rabbits.
From what I have found from my observations in most classes of animal feeds is that those types of operations are so hung up on " all natural" / "organic " and their supply sources ( or unable to get those types of products, so they include any product of questionable quality that can be claimed to be "all natural " / "organic " without proper testing ) using those methods are more often than not inadequate/ lacking in nutrient balance as well as low protein levels and more often than not contain various types and amounts of natural bacteria. Also, since these manufacturers do not include any preservatives or medications to prevent bacterial contamination, any hint of extra moisture and one is faced with health and possible death issues. Oh, and they charge more for their products.