Herd Master
True Bossroo...dead is dead, and I much prefer to have a gun take them quickly and no suffering. Poison is a long painful death and cruel in my opinion.
My LGD attacks and chases them away. Property had many holes all over before we moved in and then got the LGD. Now most of them are next door and look over all sad they were evicted. >
There is so much misinformation in this post that I'm not even going to bother, but why don't I let people hunt on my land? See my avatar photo? My best friend is now dead because some big he man hunter was on my land with out permission and was stupid enough to think he was bagging a trophy coyote. To me hunters are the scourge of the earth.Why allow the scourge of the earth to not be hunted ? One of my neighbors has a beef cow operation. He as well as his night watchman have to be quite alert when the cows are calving. You see, last year he lost 5 calves... the coyotes wait until a cow lays down to give birth and when the head comes out, they start to eat at the calf's head. The calf is eaten alive as it is being born or has to be put down shortly after birth. Another neighbor has 30 +/- sheep that are kept in a night dry lot with a 6 foot non climb fence and electric wire at the bottom, side and top and large guard dogs. Two or 3 years ago, his 110lb. Rottweiler male was killed by coyotes. All he found was his head and hide , the rest was eaten. Every year when the ewes lamb he looses 10 -20% of his lambs to coyotes .Last year he shot 7 coyotes that were after the sheep. I guess that the coyotes can't read the posted signs for electric wire shock not to mention the no trespassing ones . I raise horses and had a pair of 95 lb. and 90 lbs. of solid muscle Boxers as my guard dogs. Both were killed by coyotes. Over the last 10 years, the coyotes killed 2 of my foals. No one in our area can even have a chicken on their farms due to predation. KILL MAIM AND DESTROY on sight.
Get a silencer for your gun?Shooting any gun in city limits will have the local cops swarming over with their asault rifles and body armour to spoil our party. Since there is a drainage ditch and quite a few native trees behind the back fence, there is a population of racoons, possums and 3 feral cats that live there and they take a hop, skip, and jump over the fence to have a nightly jaunt through our back yard and party with those pesky gophers. Party animals.... yes. Predators... NO !
Yup, but the results are the same ... dead ! Too, it is written in the Bible that God gave man dominion over the earth and it's creatures.