Herd Master
Yay! Did any other horses try the jump?
Thank you!!
That is wonderful! Yay!!!!!
really.......Search the internet
Yeah, me too!!!!!Is this the same horse? Wow! You sure do a fine grooming! Wanna cut my hair? Maybe you could make me look as good as your horses! LOL LOL LOL
Thank you! He really enjoys jumping and now that he is in sync with me, our patterns look much prettier. This was a large show and the classes were huge, but he won 3 out of 4 of his jumper classes and won a 1st in all 4 of his hunter classes, including one with 21 entries and several world champion horses and exhibitors.Beautiful really beautiful. And he looks like he just loves to do it.... That is really wonderful. Did he make highest as well as longest????? Nice, real nice form.
Thank you. They do try hard, especially my jumper with all that I ask from him. He had fun though and wasn't even tired after all of those classes. I didn't realize how bonded my yearling has become to me until this show. He was an absolute terror if anyone else had to hold him, but with me he was quiet, until I tried to give my jumper attention. They are so unique with their personalities, I just love them all. This is so much fun!You are magical with your horses. They try their hearts out for you. The love you have for them comes right back to you. The proof is hanging there in all those pretty ribbons.