Pastor Dave's Highlights


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
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Capital Region NY
I have a question for anybody that knows. I haven't seen @Wehner Homestead since becoming active again. Since she is one of the few on here from Indiana, I like to keep up.
We haven't heard from her either. :( . I recall seeing someone posted that they are in contact with her via texts but I can't remember who said that.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
Well, this is farm related -- in a support yourself way! :D

At least you have a situation where you have an option AND enough work time left to make it end up with "something". Cashing in to buy a home? Heck yeah!!

I work and no participation into any savings plan. I've been on Medicare for 8 years, pay every month from SS ck! When I retire or slow work, will probably be able to get some Medicaid. All part of affording life.

Telling what it "takes" sure may help others to get coverage. My DD & DGD were covered by Medicaid for DGD & Obama for DD with a $30-50 cost for her. When she changed jobs within the same co, she had same hrly wage & benefits but, different & less hours. Now they both can get Medicaid free. Sounds like a small amount but, it saves enough to pay gas in car, a phone bill, etc. She now works 3 on & 3 off, so at home to burn more wood for heat on off days-- more savings on heat bill (we have free wood--trees). Less trips to work, save gas.

Often our trials are a way for OTHERS to see a way to save & provide. It's all good. :D =D

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
Crawfordsville, IN
We went this afternoon for "back to school night" so we could meet the boys' principal and teachers. Since I'm on second shift, may be abt the only time this school year they get to see my involvement. Schools seem to cater to day shift parents.

I had a discussion with their bus driver abt our paved road being a declassified state highway. In Northern Indiana last school year, a motorist hit and killed some siblings getting on or off a school bus, so the state made a new law that the bus has to have door facing the curb the kids are getting on from, EXCEPT only on state highways. I said I understood and accepted our situation, but they would not be walking down to the next stop and across the roadway as she wanted. They can get on at our entrance to our driveway even if they have to go around the front end in the mornings to get on. They will exit curbside on our side of the road in the afternoons.

I explained a situation we had when the 4th grader was in kindergarten trying to explain why this was a concern to us. He was moments from being clipped by a motorist even after the bus was stopped with flashing lights on and stop arm out. One more step, even with me present, and bad injury or fatality. She probably thinks I am a jerk, but these are my boys and their safety is MY top priority. I tried to be respectful and just state my stance.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
I tried to be respectful and just state my stance.
Which is a good thing to do. However, they can't stop at every kid's driveway so if they make an exception for you, make sure to show your gratitude.

Schools seem to cater to day shift parents.
Maybe because the vast majority of people work the day shift? You might be able to get something set up occasionally where you can go in before work if there is time between the end of the school day and when you have to get to work.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Here they no longer have "bus stops" that are centralized. Kids get on and off at their driveways....even if they are within a 100 ft of each other. Kinda dumb in my opinion, combine a couple as long as the kids are on the same side of the road or a parent can walk them across. We used to walk up to a half mile to centralized bus stops when I was a kid. But people also seemed to be more considerate, drove slower on our back roads and no one had cell phones and such stuff distracting them. Less traffic too I guess.
Don't blame you for your concerns....maybe your wife can walk them across the road or down the road to another spot in the mornings? You probably won't be up if you don't get in before midnight.... or maybe you can do it in the morning getting up a bit earlier and getting a short nap before you go to work?


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Well, WELCOME BACK @PastorDave!!! I was wondering what happened to you. It’s great to have you back!

I’m sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations. Been there, done that! Some people have a funny way of showing God’s love. I have also been on the receiving end of that. However, as painful as it was, I did learn that there are plenty of good, Godly people out there - more than the ones you dealt with. I’m glad you found a good church, where you can sit under the Word of God, and rest in Him.

Your new farm is absolutely beautiful! And you have some awesome out buildings! I wouldn’t mind having a peaceful stream running through our property. However, I do hope you won’t have to deal with flooding, come Spring rains.

Yes, losing Joe was a shock! As you probably know, my husband and I helped out as much as we could. Joe is really missed!

You may not have seen the thread that Baymule started for me. Back on July 12th, my husband had an emergency quadruple bypass. It has been a hard road. However, each day finds him getting stronger. We could have easily lost him. In fact, the Cardiologist said that our primary doctor saved his life, by sending him for a cardiac cath. We still have another five months or so, of rehab. But now that doctor says we will have many more years together. :celebrate :weee

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
Crawfordsville, IN
Our property is wide enough that further down across from us is a road that goes back to a cul de sac for abt 10 homes. The bus obviously won't make the turn to come back out to the road. It would be difficult to reenter the road anyway.

Our issue was having the boys cross the busy road to go stand with the other few kids that do get on from that side. The driver stopped in plenty of time with no apparent issues to stop and signal at our driveway and let ours on before shutting lights down and pulling up for the other kids. I calculated it, and it took maybe 20 seconds to get ours on and pull up. It didn't seem to complicate the pickups and kept it safer for them.

Our school system has it that children get picked up at their driveway unless in an addition that does call for a communal pickup. We are rural and it's a county school. Further down our property are more houses across the road, but no children living in those.

Our road is called Old State Road 55 which means it was declassified as a state highway and now there is a State Road 55 within the state. Indiana laws changed after last year's tragedies stating on a state road the bus will pick up the students curbside to their residence. We weren't asking for that, just a safe pick up at our driveway with the least amount of entering the roadway as possible. On the return trip, the bus will be facing opposite way to drop off with door facing our side.

Our posted speed limit past the house is 40mph, but we're on a wooded curve, and rather than slowing, most traffic accelerates to 60 or more from each direction. Further North of us the speed goes back to posted speed of 55mph.

I am grateful the driver stppped with no complaints or fuss. She waved as she pulled away.