Pastor Dave's Highlights

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
I think most of us have hijacked @Pastor Dave 's thread at one point or another. Jan - I think you have a good handle on what you have to look forward to. We found there was more money available that we planned for due a lot to the money not being spent while working and living in a city but we have no mortgage so that makes it easier.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
So the SS will be "extra" money for a year or two, and I plan to try to put some/most of it aside for the future anyway.

Remember that they will take $1 for every 2 earned over their allocated amount believe it's $15,400 now. Don't remember because once 70, that all stops...I've been there a while. :)

As to not waiting for a tiny more $, don't wait! DH didn't wait & passed away 4 yrs later. You never know!

ALSO -- VA is expanding their Medicaid coverages, beginning Jan 1, 2019. Check into that because a single will be able to get coverage, along with Medicare coverage, if under certain income (16,754 annual). That could help by paying for drugs & dropping that cost from Medicare. It would also assist with co-pays. Currently Medicare A&B are $133 mo, going up $2 in Jan.

Anyone retiring or there, check to see if you State offers any type of such coverage. Also check for local county reductions in RE Tax for seniors. While some freeze or reduce, some tally & collect later, some don't. My county offers a discount -- never to repay! -- for seniors based on their income. I get $1000 a year in reduced taxes!

Sometimes knowing what can be obtained is as good as anything else. I can work less and do fine with some of these programs. It's "money in the bank". Of course, you have to be frugal but, hey.....always have.

I'm hoping some of these things can help Pastor Dave, also. :)


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
They say it takes 7-10 years to come out equal between taking less sooner, or more later by waiting. It might not be there or be greatly reduced down the road, so I'm going after it now.
I believe the break even point between starting to collect at the earliest possible (age 62) and waiting until 70 is age 81 or 82. And for those that start early, if they don't NEED the money to live on can invest it in something and 'recover' some of those $$ they would get if they waited. Plus, those saved $$/invested assets can be left to the kids, charities etc. When you croak, only your spouse can still collect on your SS.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Mini Horses ; I was aware of the limits on income, but according to the rep I talked to at SS the amount allowed to earn will be going up in 2019. She said it will go up to 44,000 .... I thought it was a mistake, but she said no, that was what it will be. That is why I decided to wait to Jan to start as I have earned well above the 15,400 this year, and if started now, they would hold at least 2 "paychecks" from SS instead of the one they hold normally. So if I started it now, I would not get anything before the first of the year anyway. It just seemed easier to wait the couple months, start out with a clean slate in January, with the increased allowed amount which I have never reached in any year I worked. Milk testing doesn't pay alot but the flexibility has been one of the things I really liked over the years. I will look into the medicaid stuff....I swear it takes a philadelphia lawyer to figure out "how to retire".....
I don't use any drugs, or have any real health issues; except for needing to lose some weight. But will have to do something about these joint issues, and if I don't get any relief from the proposed stem cell treatment I want to try, then am looking at replacements. I do have a fair amount of arthritis, and my poor chiropractor works on me to try to keep me somewhat mobile and functional.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
....I swear it takes a philadelphia lawyer to figure out "how to retire".....

It does! But every little bit on adds up. I don't need the medical or RX but, one day I might. Plus some of these things provide some dental & vision pay outs. So, normal stuff...not sickie.

Yeah, the limits for earning keep going up -- and SHOULD!! I haven't kept up with the amounts for a while.

At 70 you can earn a mil and not lose any of your SSA benefits. I still work (Yes, the flex schedule is only reason I can/do manage it). And I found a note from SSA in the mail today. Since I work and contribute, they miscalculated my benefits this year. I should have gotten a $4. per month increase Jan, 2018 because they failed to include my 2017 earnings in their calculations. So, they put $36 in my checking and will begin an increase of $4 in my benefits next check :D At least they do recalculate! Let's see, at $4 per month, hmmmm….in a couple more years it will add up to a burger & fries each month. :lol: So be it!

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
Crawfordsville, IN
I have been working, coming home and having supper(for the afternoon til Close shifts) or coming home after a day shift and doing some chores, sleeping, and running errands or doing family things on days off. So far, no Saturdays or Sundays. It hasn't been too bad, but haven't found much time lately for BYH. Today I mowed, dumped some rabbit catch pans, and drove the tractor around a little. I didn't get much of a chance to try it out after replacing the fuel line and drive belt. It's running pretty well.