Chillin' with the herd
Hey all,
I am about to clear about an acre off wooded land on my property. All trees and stumps will be removed/burned. Just raw soil and rocks and small debris will be left. What can I spread as far as seed to get some raw growth going this Spring? The soil has good PH. I know it would take more than this to make a true pasture, but I gotta start somewhere and I prefer to get something growing - although I'm sure natural pants such as ferns would begin to fill in… Thanks.
I am about to clear about an acre off wooded land on my property. All trees and stumps will be removed/burned. Just raw soil and rocks and small debris will be left. What can I spread as far as seed to get some raw growth going this Spring? The soil has good PH. I know it would take more than this to make a true pasture, but I gotta start somewhere and I prefer to get something growing - although I'm sure natural pants such as ferns would begin to fill in… Thanks.