Loving the herd life
our peacock was looking Down and out the last few days and scratching at his face so I caught him and looked in his mouth. He has a huge infected dying flesh growth that smells on the roof of his mouth. I think it goes up through his sinus and the whole side of his face is swollen. I believe he was eating and maybe got something stuck in there that turned into a raging infection. I believe he will die soon without vet help but all vets are closed today for one, and I don't think there are any local vets that will do anything for a peacock, we don't have any vets that will look at a goat I can't imagine what they'd say if I brought him in. Is there anything I can do? What's the best poultry antibiotic, I can't get it until tomorrow but I will asap. Should I do anything to it? Should I dig around until I find what caused the infection? It's really hard to work inside a birds mouth without causing harm. It's so big he can't close his mouth and therefore can't drink without assistance. I know, shame on us for not noticing it earlier but he free roams and is very wild and very hard to get to close to when healthy so we couldn't get him until yesterday. I will post pictures later. I will be posting this in backyard chickens as well but figured I would put it on both