Listerine? He's not doing any worse, I think the water and electrolytes we've been giving him perked him up somewhat. I'm gonna give him some duramycin today. A couple months ago we had a bird bring in some mites and he was the only bird on the property we couldn't catch to dust, so when I caught him I noticed he had some of the nasty little buggers crawling on him and dusted him really good and I got em all So I'm sure he's feeling much better in that regard. Now I suppose we have to redo everyone just in case he managed to spread it back to one But u gotta do what u gotta do I guess . I got most of the puss off yesterday and it's got more on it so I suppose I'll have to do that again.
I am not of any help in this situation as I have never experienced anything like this, nor do I know any veterinarians who work with animals outside of cats and dogs. It sounds like you're taking really good care of your peacock, so just keep looking into it and I wish you the best. I hope someone on BYC has been able to help you! Keep us updated please.
You can always flush with a mild saline solution. Maybe you could try lightly brushing it with a soft toothbrush? That should help remove the pus, and you definitely want that out. He must be truly miserable if you are able to do all this with him since you said he's pretty wild. Poor beauty. I think diluted h-p is probably okay in very small quantites. I don't have birds, yet, but when a vet is out of the question common sense is what we must use. Very glad he seems to be feeling better. My best guess is he ate something with a stick in it or a thorn, and infection rushed in after. These things will happen. Don't berate yourself, you are doing very well by him now and none of us can be expected to keep ahead of everything, even though we might wish to.