Oh my goodness, they are soooooo adorable! Congrats!
We had a doe similar to Lily, I would literally SLEEP in the barn with our doe Heidi and would she kid when I was there? NOOOOOOOOOO, the brat would get up (AFTER I SPENT THE NIGHT WITH HER FREEZING MY BUTT OFF) and act like she wasn't even preggers so when I would go to shower or do a quick run to the feed store the brat would pop em out so fast you wouldn't even believe it! She was such a snot!
Pumpkin has been in labor since last night and is finally pushing. First kid was stillborn and came out with a small placenta of its own own. I am wondering how this might end up. She is still contracting and lightly pushing but no kid in the canal yet. It may be that she is overdue and this is going to be a fruitless labor for her. Wish I could speak goat because she is clearly sad over the first kid. Updates soon...
No more kids but all is well. Theses things happen and while I would love to have been able to have another doe like her running around, I am so glad my girl is okay. We will be monitoring her closely for any fever spikes because she did have a lot of "intrusion" as we assessed her in the last 24 hours.
I am certain now that they kid had died a few weeks ago and she was now overdo. Given the smallness of her udder and the unusual labor set, it makes sense too. She seemed very anxious to kid but her contractions were not very productive and intense as with normal labor. The placenta was intact but small and did not seem well formed, though the umbilical was. Kid was small but not floppy and had teeth that had emerged.
We are both tired. She is napping and I am about to.