Pearce Pastures: Where did I go?

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Yes, G-d is good!

That is exciting news about your scope! I use a sugar float it's easy. If you want the recipe just holler. :)
Windows...fort and other stuff! ;)

Hope you have a nice new years with your family! :hugs

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
Southern by choice said:
Yes, G-d is good!

That is exciting news about your scope! I use a sugar float it's easy. If you want the recipe just holler. :)
Windows...fort and other stuff! ;)

Hope you have a nice new years with your family! :hugs
Yes on the sugar float recipe, please. :)

I know how to do a saturated salt solution but I'd like to have some options as I learn this.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
Family is gone, whew! That was fun and exhausting. My aunt, uncle, and grandma all adored Charlie of course, my grandma especially. She said more than once that snuggling him made her miss Pepper even more. We did New Years at my place, with a huge homemade egg roll dinner, rhubarb pie, guacamole and hummus (and some wine of course ;) ). We stayed up telling stories, playing games, and having a great time. After a huge farm fresh egg breakfast, they all said their goodbyes, and I collapsed on the couch until about noon. That is when the phone rang and my father-in-law called to invite us to hiking in the dunes and dinner. More fun but I am still recovering now. :th

Elliott had his second appointment with the other surgeon today, who is going to take care of the partly undecended testicle thing. Now we should be all set to get this surgery over with. Other than being uncomfortable, he is fine. I suppose I am more worried about it than he is of course.

DH has a few nice side jobs coming up but went ahead and applied to WalMart today for part time work. His last semester is starting up in a few weeks!!!! CAN-NOT-WAIT-FOR-THIS-TO-BE-DONE. The stress of having a family on my income and a husband in school full time has worn me down, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. He may be working some strange hours once he finishes this degree and gets started at the mill. Got to start somewhere, right :) .

And for Charlie :love . I don't know how this puppy stole my heart so fast but he has. We have been working in the house for 20-30 minutes a day on the basic (housebreaking, sit, stay, come so far) because it is bitterly cold and I am being a wuss. The goats are starting to take to him pretty well, not thumping him every chance they get. The other night, his pen door somehow got left unlocked and one of the goats pushed the door open. It freaked me out as soon as I came in but he was just sitting in his pen, minding his own business. So so glad he did not get hurt. Tomorrow, he will be getting some roommates. The baby chicks we hatched are going to live in the pen next to him, so that he can see them and they him, but no risk of hurting the chicks. When he is older, he will only be in with the goats for the most part but since we have chickens, I figure it might be worth trying to make him a little bonded to them too. Don't know if it will work and if he seems to be trying to scare them, we will have to reassess.


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Aw Pearce, Charlie is such a little love bug I can see how you have fallen in love already. :love I think it's great that so far he is getting along with the goats. Hope he does well with the chicks!

Sounds like you had a busy and wonderful holiday! You need a break now, for sure. :hugs

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
So glad the goats are getting use to their new guardian! As far as the chickens... he more than likely won't bother them, not yet anyway. Typically that doesn't start (problems with poultry) til about 5-7 months of age. All of ours were raised with the poultry, the "playing " with the chickens will happen though :/ . Somewhere between 5-7 months and it will continue for a time. Some people end up using a shock collar, I tend to think waiting it out til they mature is a better idea, but that's just me. We certainly have lost some birds. :( By two they usually get it.

Don't you love the house time!!! In another week or so you can increase family time... it will not hurt his working ability! :)


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
N. Kentucky
Let me know how the chick thing works. I wish I could get a dog to guard them. I finaly taught mine not to kill them but that is as far as I got.

Charlie is cute little love bug. :love I want a puppy.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
So far so good with the chicks. Charlie sits and just watches them, or snuggles up against the front of the brooder. He had a vet visit again yesterday and has gained 3 pounds in seven days! I thought he looked bigger :lol: . The vet is in love with him and said they have a lot of little lap dogs in their office and just love the large breeds as a change of pace. His heart sounded good, parasite load is down, and he got his first vaccination series. My vet is being so good about trying to make coming in to office fun and happy so when Charlie gets older, if I need to bring him in, he hopefully won't be totally freaked (although this vet does make farm calls sometimes).

I was beaming with pride as we were getting checked out of the office and I handed my 3 year old the leash and told her to make him mind while I paid and made his rabies appointment. Charlie started to get up and Julia, firmly told him, "No Charlie, sit." The women next to us in line gasped as he put his bottom right down and stayed there. She leaned over to Julia and said, "I have 4 puppies at home that I should have YOU come train."

Awhile back, I posted about maybe getting an old wire corn crib to use as an aviary (I really want to get some pheasants some day and though it would be so pretty in the front acre near our porch and garden). Well, after DH talked to our goat vet about it, the vet got to thinking that was great idea :lol: . No corn crib for us, but that is fine because I don't need another project just yet anyway. If the future, I might just build something similar and customize it how I want it.

I go back to work on Monday and will be in essay grading mode for a few weeks. I will have officially finished teaching my first college course by the end of this semester. It was a blast! A lot of work, and an entirely different challenge than teaching high school, but so worth it.