Pearce Pastures: Where did I go?

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
You all ROCK!!!! I am so so so getting one of those!!! DH is gonna be ecstatic too. We usually end up making two pots in the morning almost every morning.

Straw Hat Kikos

The Kiko Cowboy
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Pearce Pastures said:
You all ROCK!!!! I am so so so getting one of those!!! DH is gonna be ecstatic too. We usually end up making two pots in the morning almost every morning.
Ya'll are crazy haha


Ridin' The Range
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
Xaibe, Belize
I never seem to get to finish even one cup in the morning before the dogs, cats or goats are hollering that they want breakfast NOW. I use liquid stevia to cut down on sugar but I must have my fresh goat cream. The stevia cancels out the calories in the cream ;)
I had a coffee pot for my classroom when I taught college at night. Students (mostly adults that worked all day) brought all the stuff. I supplied the coffee maker. It's tough to get through a 3 hr class after working all day without a break. Although it was against policy to have drinks in the classrooms, especially computer rooms, I said I'd quit if we couldn't have drinks. I threatened students that if there was a spill, that would get me in trouble and we couldn't do it any longer. Never had a spill in 8 years.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
Stevia, huh? How does that compare to stuff like nutrasweet or splenda (those give me a headache so badly---I cannot do most diet sodas because of it so I just don't drink soda altogether). I have tried honey and agave before in my coffee, not that those are exactly low calorie but might be a little better than plain sugar.


Ridin' The Range
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
Xaibe, Belize
Nutrasweet and Splenda are bad for you, like Aspertame or Neotame. Stevia is a plant that is very sweet. I found out that the powder version doesn't mix into drinks, it floats. You need the liquid, preferably the non-alcohol based. They do make a single serve packet but I found that it was too much. About 4 drops in a cup of coffee is all you need so it lasts a long time. Most of the other non-sugar sweetners give me headaches also. With all my allergies, I have to be careful what I use.
My husband uses honey but I dont' like it in coffee. Tea, yes.

It's a major disaster when the stores are out of coffee here. There is a local brand, Gallon Jug and occasionally they are out of product between coffee seasons. A few stores carry the small can of Maxwell House. All the rest is instant. ICK! Fresh ground Gallon Jug is pretty good for low altitude grown coffee. Coffee is one of the things we buy the next one as soon as we open one. Not a good day without coffee.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
Great day today! The 60 degree weather, albeit beyond strange, was such a nice break from the cold. We spent the entire day outside, playing with kids and taking our sweet time doing a few chores.

I let Charlie out with the goats and chickens all day today and could not have been prouder of how he behaved. Every time a goat or bird walked near him, he lay down submissively and the rest of the time just sat watching them, never chasing. At one point, he started to bounce across the yard a little too playfully, not chasing anything but just a puppy style happy run, and a chicken nearby squeaked a little---he hit the deck, but our big rooster came running at him anyway. Roo didn't do anything but Charlie was sure intimidated. After awhile, he fell asleep in the goat pen, with the 8 week old pullets. I know we will have some more poultry training to work on as he gets older, so cute though to see how he likes them.

DH is finishing up a new hay feeder than will hold an entire bale for our bucks. I showed him a picture of the one SHK made and he modeled it after than, only not as tall. We sort of disagreed about that because I am positive the bucks will be on top of that thing in no time, but once it happens, we can always retrofit it to keep them out. I cleaned out the waste hay from their pen today, yuck! I hope that this new feeder helps prevent as much being tossed on the ground and peed on.

I also sold ten chickens today, 4 which have already been picked up. We need some room for the new chicks once they get big enough to be in with the big girls and we have plenty of birds already. One set is being picked up at 7 A.M. by a man and his girlfriend, whose mother had almost all of her chickens killed by a raccoon break-in two days ago. They will be surprising her with these ones, two white silkies, and I am so glad they are going somewhere they will be loved on.