I totally took a nap today when my younger ones laid down---it was awesome!
I keep eyeballing the food in the fridge I can't chew on yet until I heal a bit more. Think I will go play with goats and Charlie for bit to take my mind of the texture-less food I have on my menu.
I knew it was only a matter of time til he got to the couch! I it!
Isn't it sweet how they grow so fast! I notice your DD is growing too, her face is changing...you know that leaving the toddler look and getting the big girl look! That is sweeter than Charlie even!
A nap.... oh how I dream..... glad you got one though!
Now I don't really ask this much or get into this as I don't have any of me on the internet but Pearce...you have pictures of all your kids on her throughout and your husband, why not you?