Pearce Pastures: Where did I go?

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
It is a busy week as usual.

Pretty sure I gave myself food poisoning yesterday and am now making great pals with Pepto :D ... :/ .... :sick .... :D I decided to make some buffalo chicken wings and thought they were cooked :idunno . Hoping it passes soon.

Had a nice talk with a BYHer and it really helped. Feeling encouraged about what may lie in the future in my career, despite all the stuff going on. My boss, a great guy who has nothing to do with all of the other stuff, stopped by my room yesterday to give me a kind of 'read between the lines' talk. Without flat out saying it, he basically let me know that finances are bad, spending is well planned, and without a teacher's union, my contract will be no good in a year once it expires. What does that all mean for me? If I still have a job, my pay will likely be affected (not sure if it will be a positive or a negative impact), the hours I work will likely increase(U.S. teachers already work well beyond teachers in any other nation, just a fun fact) , and our benefits will not be protected. But the part that I am wondering about is whether I will even have a job---without a contract, I have not seniority and if they want to cut teachers to save money, why not go for ones that cost the school more? So boss really wants to keep me as a teacher and asked if I might be willing to get a few titles added to my license (like "Reading Specialist"), by taking the state's exams in those areas. The tests are a few hundred each but it sounds like they might make me look more attractive to the district as they start looking for cuts. Not sure what I am going to do right now though and DH is starting to think that it might be time for us to come up with a few backup plans (including my being a homemaker :D ). Time and prayer---that is the plan for now.

DH is working on his application for the mill right now :weee . This is a bit earlier than we thought at first but the opportunity arose and we are all over it. He graduates in 8 weeks so I suppose the timing would work out just fine since it takes them a bit to go through all of the applicants, screening, and what not. You will be seeing one extra happy Pearce on here if this all comes to fruition.

Oh, I have a nice, big leg of goat sitting in my roasting pan in the fridge right now, and a shelf full of "dinner". DinDin dressed out lighter than we had estimated but all the same, I am looking forward to our big family dinner tomorrow to try this out. I need to look up the recipes I have seen floating around here for a nice roast.

Weird though---I think Charlie is worried about where his big goat went. He just seems to be looking for him and he keeps looking out into the fields and whining. The does are celebrating his being gone :lol: No giant fuzz butt hogging the feed trough at night.


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
Northeast Mississippi
Food poisioning doesn't last that long...if this continues, go to your doctor...awful super flu bug going around the US and it has a bacterial part to it too...not just viral...really hope that is NOT what you have :hugs

Good news on your hubby and a work application...and I think your job and uncertainties is pretty spread all over the place ... that lack of security is so you more hugs :hugs

Enjoy tomorrow and DinDin...remember and reflect on your awesome family...the best blessing ever!!! :love

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
I was worried it was that too---lots of kids at school sick. But I am starting to feel a little better and threw out that chicken. I was the only one who ate it and the only one :sick. No fever or anything either and it came on fast. As long as no one else starts in, looks like we are in the clear. I am contemplating eating some crackers.

Thanks for the hugs. It is stressful but there is more of a peace about it than you'd think. Kind of just taking the attitude that there is not much that can be done other than to just try to keep being a good teacher and if things do not work out the way I had planned then there must be other plans in store for me, right? :)

My oldest son is so sweet (sometimes :lol: ). He just checked to see if he could get me some more of the pink stuff. Love when I see them being compassionate.

On a random note, I just scored a galvanized, three tub, outdoor sink on CL. A contractor is doing a remodel and wants it gone. $30 and a little scrubbing and we will have a nice place for washing goats or whatever out in the barn. :weee


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Sorry about the food poisoning :( nasty stuff! Wow...lots to think about with jobs...:) so glad for the opportunity For your dh! Enjoy your din din....
Gee another homemaker who loves critters.... I bet we could have some fun. :cool:


True BYH Addict
Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
Alsea, Oregon
I would love to be a home maker.
But I guess that would come with some sacrifice.
However it shakes out, it will work out.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
Oh, forgot to update my peeps :D We didn't do it yet---it was still frozen SOLID yesterday so we are shooting for mid week. Maybe for DH's birthday Wednesday. If all else fails, and it is awful, we will at least have cake :) I was thinking of using Donna's recipe that lists marinating it in a kind of salt solution but keep going back and forth between that and one that using a dry wine and seasonings marinade.