I really do need to get an updated pic of critters, barn , and whatnot. I did take a before pic of the goat pen and then was soooo sore and tired by time it was done (and stinky) I didn't get an after pic.
Will have to try tonight.
We have a really weird mystery I am hoping to solve by the end of the weekend. There is dog poo in the walkway of the barn, pretty much nightly showing up. They only way that it could be from our dogs is that they are scaling a 6 foot metal wall to poo and then climbing back in. We have a herd of barn cats but I am 90% sure it couldn't possibly be from a cat. So do we have a stray doggie coming in at night to drop off a gift? BUT my brother is installing cameras in the barn for us to help with kidding season so we should know soon. Either way, I have to wash my boots off....
That is a strange mystery for sure. Why would any dog come into your barn just to poo? Weird. Be sure to let us know what you discover. Coyotes like to leave scat in one area as a marker and will go in the same place repeatedly. Do you have critters in the barn?
It is really strange. The barn is closed at night except for a large cat door (which was made larger by our LGD Louie who was locked in the main barn area on night and ripped out the plastic cat door and chewed the sides of opening). Other than the cats, nothing is loose in the barn. Chickens in pens on the left, then the open area, on the right goats/dogs in a pen.
if a dog is coming in there, or a coyote or fox, that would be so strange.
Should be interesting to see. The coyote scat around here has lots of seeds in it; looks very different than poo from a dog that is eating dog food. Those beasties will slip in under a fence with NO problem so it wouldn't surprise me that they are coming into the barn to see if there are any tasty treats to be had. Glad the animals are all locked up safely. Too bad you can't leave an LGD in the barn one night.