Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Yeah, Fenny took his last trip to town. He just gets much too anxious and serves no purpose as I still have to ask strangers to pick stuff up, as neither one of us can get stuff from off the ground ( Randy can, with lots of grunting and struggles to get off his knees 😂)
We both required steroid injections, his in shoulder, mine in hip, my BP was high for being on bp meds but not real bad, his was 168/104 which concerned me…
I posted about Fen on FB. Fen’s breeder wanted me to call, said she’d take him back and work something out. It was a sh!t show for me, explaining my sarcasm, and that we adore Fen, he just isn’t a service dog, which is ok, he’s still family, Heathen’s breeder was posting trying to explain how many SD’s fail (mind you, right after Heath’s death they were positive Fen would make an SD because he’s so smart, but smart isn’t a qualification. A bond is more important, although real dog trainers can get performance without, to a degree…) while this is going on in texts, my phone was vibrating and blowing up with messages, Randy had reached beside the seat and slashed the back of his hand about 5” long and was bleeding everywhere, needing stitches, drove to ER but didn’t stop, asked me to find a pharmacy (strange town) GPS wouldn’t give street names just kept saying “turn on THE STREET” as we drove thru traffic on a main blvd with streets everywhere, I was losing my mind…found pharmacy which had no butterfly bandages and sent us to grocery store for some…bandaged his hand, some dog trainer in Montana I don’t even know was now texting me how herding dogs and LGDs won’t make SD’s…
All I wanted was a strong drink and hot bath…but I still have no bathtub…living on washcloth baths til he gets it finished…

My nightmares have gotta be better’n this…
Just an FYI:

I had advanced arthritis in my hip in my late 40's, the local orthopedic physician said I was too young for a THR (Total Hip Replacement) and gave me a shot of cortisone.

A month later I got a second opinion.

"I see you got a cortisone shot in the hip. Made it feel better, right?"


"And a couple weeks later you lost stability in your hip?"

Wow. Yes.

"I've seen it a lot, the steroids increase the rate of degeneration in a closed joint like the hip. It doesn't cause the same issues in an open joint like the knee."

He said he didn't treat age, and I got my THR once my FMLA was available. Wonderful surgeon, retired now.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Unfortunately, no. My oldest son cut us out of his life when he married, as she didn’t like us. My youngest lives alone in a company house and is gone all but a couple days a month. When I went to see him, I had to sleep in his chair. My “not really a daughter) has already got 6 people crammed in a very small 3 bedroom rental house. I literally am trapped here or I would have left more than 10 years ago.
Sorry to unload here. I’m really struggling with the isolation and having no one I can talk to about my feelings. No one wants to hear it, and thats understandable as there are absolutely no solutions at all. No one can help. I even hired a counselor but they are so full of sh8t it just irritates me.
God bless you and thanks for being here. It’s so easy to scroll by…
I'm sorry. Really.

We have a friend who "stays" with us. He's now 75, his SS check is $800 a month, and his rotten children are all "Woke" so he's got nowhere to go.

Why is he here?

25 years ago I met him through AOL, and through his online witness I accepted Christ. Then Ron got saved, and my dad, and finally our son. When our friend had no place to go Ron told me that our friend was welcome to stay with us as long as he wanted, needed.

I'm praying something similar will happen for you. And Boone.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We may be virtual friends but you are loved here. We can’t fix your situation but we will listen. You are an extraordinary person, facing problems that we would have a hard time dealing with. You are brave. You are tough and resilient but there’s a limit to what a body can take. Big hugs.

What will it take for Randy to get that tub installed? Go on strike until he gets it done.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
@Baymule A strike doesn’t motivate him. As long as he has his tv, coke and a bag of chips, he’s golden. He used to literally live in a broken down singlewide with no electricity or running water, in the back of an old orchard, his brother turned their families 20 acre ranch in Arvin, into a junkyard, selling parts out of it. This should have been a red flag.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Everything about this install has been nightmarish. He got it wired today, I had to squeeze in behind it to get the plug and screw set. One of the cowboys agreed to go under the house and do something with the pipes. I’m praying this thing gets done soon as a washcloth just isn’t gettin’ it

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