Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Had so much pain yesterday I was sure I was dying. It’s the worst I can remember in a very, very long time. I am having horrendous pain flares everytime there is low pressure. Not sure how I will get through this winter. I won’t have the luxury of sleeping through them like I used to as TheMan won’t feed Fen or the rabbits. It has given me second thoughts about getting any sheep.
His surgery wiped us out financially. We won’t be able to recover from it, as thanks to the most corrupt admin ever, we have had way too much month left at the end of the money. I need to strengthen my faith and try to remember that He is our provider. I feel like such a failure as one of His, sometimes. But He will get us through it and have His way, whether I follow perfectly or He drags me kicking and screaming. There can be no joy unless I can keep my eyes fixed firmly where they belong.
Today, I pray to stay awake and keep pain at bay long enough to finally get these dratted tomatoes done. That’s my selfish prayer, which most of mine seem to be, but He knows my heart for others so that’s good.
Now, on thru another day.
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Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Sad to hear. But have faith & we'll all be praying for you! :hugs what OTC pain meds help you? Creams, pills? I realize they may only take the edge off but, that's a help! Anything's a help.👍
Pain Management has me on heavy duty pain meds every 4 hr around the clock. I used to also be on Fentanyl patches but I felt good enough this summer to stop using them. The meds keep me functional on good days. On bad days they don’t help much at all. I can’t take any NSAIDS because they are contraindicated by the RA meds they have me on, plus there is acetaminophen in the Perc. I had a great summer, really. I wasn’t taking the pain meds as often as they wanted, so some days I only needed maybe 2-3 in 24 hr instead of 6. But Doc said he wants me to stay on the 4 hr schedule because there isn’t really anything else they can do for me, since its not just my joints being attacked, but connective tissue.
We were fortunate that we had good insurance when all my surgeries were done. Unfortunately, the boss switched on us and made the deductible extremely high. It’s like not having any insurance for Randy. I’m on Medicare now so my costs aren’t too bad.
The Comfrey salve helps quite a bit with some stuff. My wrists and hands are the newest battleground with the RA. All the meds so far have failed me. Orals, injections, infusions, everything. They keep running out of stuff to try on me, to slow the damage. For several years I had to keep waiting until they had new ones. Apparently I am one of 2% that the DMARDs don’t work on. At this point I’m on an oral that’s no worse than any of the others so the rheumatologist thinks we might as well stick with it. I hate needles!! I would have made a terrible junkie 😂

Anyway, after all that info that nobody really wanted to know, yesterday was excruciating but today is a good day. I have pulled pork in pressure canner and marinara on the stove I
can jar up tonight or tomorrow. I will take all the good days I can get, until winter comes to kick me in the caboose. :ep

Bless you, prayer is always coveted!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
I have a friend here with RA. I GET IT!! You don't know what your day will bring until it gets here. Pain where she can't walk some days but, if you saw her sitting somewhere you'd have no clue. Your outer doesn't always display that inner hurt. Yeah, she's taking steroids, other meds, pain med and was trying a weekly injection of something. Been in hospital with pneumonia 3 x this yr. Sometimes a pain creme helps "areas", after meds did all they could. It appears most of the cremes help the adjoining soft tissue rather than the deep stuff. It's better if she takes on schedule, as prescribed. But it's a constant problem. 😞 and you need a lot of sleep/rest. At least YOU have insurance to help.

Hers has her on disability income. Makes things difficult with really limited income. I'm her transport sometimes and offer extra milk, eggs & produce....both my kids are older than her. Met her as DS friend. She's gonna sample my comfrey salve for me.🤣
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