Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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What a good boy!
He is an amazing good boy!
Today he finally figured out how to open and get out the back door, which relieves me of having to get up every time he wants to check on something. Or worse, when I’m in so much pain I sleep all day and he won’t wake me to let him out so he doesn’t pee all day which is hard on him.
He seems pretty proud of himself.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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He likes learning. He comes over sometimes and asks to play “click”. He’s currently working on discerning the phone from my kindle and my glasses. He’s been channeling Fen and pulling the phone or kindle right out of my hands to give it back for a reward. 😂

We will start working on my meds today as I can never remember when I took them. Heath used to bring them to me at specific times each day. Hopefully Boone will do the same. He likes hearing that he’s a good boy. He gets a huge smile when I tell him

He was dreaming last night and for a long time he kept whining and sleep barking. He wasn’t waking up when I called him. I finally said “you’re a good boy Boone” and he woowoo-ed. 😂 Then he finally woke himself up beating his tail on the floor. We were cracking up.
I’ve never seen a dog sleep so deeply. Coyotes could take chickens right out from under his nose! I guess it’s all part of growing up. He’s going to have to start sleeping outside again pretty soon, to protect my rabbits. Hope he doesn’t get his feelings hurt.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Trying madly to get house clean before company comes. I can pretty much keep up with the kitchen but the rest of the house is doomed.
Darsha, from the hot springs is going to try to come and help me. Last time I asked her what I owed her, she said to pay her what she was worth. Well that totally messed me up. I gave her $75 which was all we had. I can’t really afford her help. Plus she’s so thorough, I’m lucky if one room gets done in a day. So I’m trying to do it myself and it hurts. It’s amazing how much work it is, keeping a house with no storage clean. No closets, no shelves, no place for normal things like sheets and towels, cleaning supplies, all the random things one collects…
Waiting until last minute to clean and replace the sheet on the couch as Boone sheds.
And I need to get 7 more rabbits processed before they get here, get the garden in, get the big weeds out of the yard…


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Fatigue & depression have been overwhelming so I took an adderall today. I got Boone’s crate moved back outside. I need him to start sleeping outside again so he can protect the rabids once I get them moved. It would be too easy for raccoons to slaughter them all.
Dusted and vacuumed. Carpet is so gross from dogs and Randy never taking his boots off. 🤢
Got stuffed horse finished. It definitely looks homemade. Oh well. Thomas’ first birthday party is next week so at least I have something for him. Boone is sad because he thought the toy was for him.



Poor puppeh.

Randy finally sprayed the hollyhocks that have been taking over the yard. There’s a ton of thistle out there too. The yard is just so chaotic. I really miss home. It was so beautiful there. I spent 20 years landscaping. I don’t have the $, the energy, the strength or the stuff to do it again. The grands used to come every weekend and we’d make s’mores out in the BBQ area. It was so much fun.


I had little sanctuary spots where I could hide and watch the butterflies and birds. There were lots of tiger swallowtails , monarchs and orioles. I felt like God sent them to me just to settle my heart. It was like a hug.

Got the 4 rabbits out of the brine and parted them out, vacuum sealed and froze ‘em. It was a lot of effort for me, but I’m glad it’s done. I have 5 more to process this week thay are young enough to be fryers.

Dinner is almost ready.
Snowy should kindle tomorrow.
I feel kinda scattered. Tired.
I should oughta sleep well tonight.
Maybe tomorrow will be another constructive day. 🙏