Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
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Southern CA
Well crud on the burb. 😟 at least it happened where you are staying and not out on I-5 (guessing that’s what you’re using) in the middle of no where.
Relax with Boone - meaning since you two are tethered together be relaxed / chilled as that will let him know you are ok. Not easy I know, but is what is needed.
Prayers and good thoughts for the burb fix and you’re continued trip.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Boone is feeding off your anxiety and it’s upping his protective instincts. You have a lot to be anxious about but for Boone’s sake, you gotta get a grip on yourself. Car is broke down. Ok, count your blessings. It happened right where you are staying and not on a highway in the middle of nowhere. All things can be dealt with. Take a deep breath and be grateful that it’s not worse.

Give those knuckleheads a talking to and explain like you are talking to a toddler so they can understand. Show them proper posture. Tell them the history of the Anatolians breed, how for past several thousand years, they have fought off lions, bears, wolves and thieves. Boone recognizes them as predators. How? Their eyes are in the FRONT of their face. Prey animals eyes are on the SIDE of their faces so they can see the predators sneaking up on them. One glance from Boone and he knows they are predators, their posture says they are a threat. Anatolians have the strongest bite force of any dog in the entire damned WORLD! 743 PSI. Their bite is stronger than even a wolf or any other breed of dog.
These knuckleheads need to know what they are dealing with and RESPECT Boone for what he is.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
I’m finding the people at large don’t get it, even when you try to explain it. But they are used to roughhousing. Boone has been great through most of it but he was in the front room while I was roasting and peeling peppers when I heard him roar.
My “daughter” was not happy with me (not angry but not happy) because I wouldn’t leave Boone alone with the kids and her husband to go to the beach. He can and HAS easily pushed the gate open so can’t be in yard unsupervised, they keep forgetting not to leave the front door open and they roughhouse. It would be disastrous if I wasn’t there, besides which, Boone is the only calming influence I have.
I’ve tried to explain LGDs are not like other breeds but it goes right over their heads 😖


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Shari drove me the 2 1/2 hr to my son’s house. Boone cried nearly the entire trip, and ate through another seat belt tie. 🙄
So yeah, another stressful drive but at least
Shari was driving instead of me.

Since we got here, Boone has relaxed and ate his whole dinner for the first time since we left the ranch. He also went and slept on the tile floor in a different room, out of my sight so he’s clearly feeling safe here. My son should get here shortly after dark.
Randy will come here Sunday with a trailer and I will guide him back to Shari’s. At least that is the plan so far. The only real hitch is he’s bringing Fen and I don’t know how we are going to manage with both dogs in the truck with us 😬

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
So what are the temps there & travel back? If not hot, consider Fen in burb -- with ventilation, of course & walk at stops, etc. :idunno it's gonna be a road trip to remember. :hugs any chance DS could take you & Boone to meet Randy at Shari's, save 5 hr travel for Randy & help that much.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
It’s HOT! It was over 100 on the way here. I had to put the WagWellies boots on Boone before I could let him out to pee. It’s maybe 5-10 degrees cooler here
I had called my stepdaughters to see if we could try to meet up Monday if their dad agreed to stay an extra day. She started asking if we needed help, etc and I recommended she call her Dad. So Josh (the SIL who did all the electrical work for us) is going to drive to Shari’s (after first driving here to get the keys) and have the Burb towed on his AAA to their place to look it over, then let Randy know what he finds, so Randy will drive to their place, then here to Cody’s. I suspect that he will leave the car trailer at Chelseas no matter what is with the burb, and drive up to see Shari and family, spend a night, then pick up Burb at Josh & Chelsea’s on way home. I did get the divider in the Burb so I hope he remembers to Take it out, put it in truck, and Fen can ride in front and Boone in back. I suspect I will be in backseat with Boone 🙄

Boone was so relaxed, he didn’t even introduce himself to Cody. He saw Cody give me a hug and flopped at his feet and took a nap 🤣


Trying to sleep…Boone discovered the twangbop door stopper on the wall. He obsessed with it and it’s very noisy!
Cody brought him an elk leg but he didn’t get to enjoy it because a skunk parked at the bottom of the front steps so we couldn’t go out.
I did take Boone out back to pee but he went ballistic. I couldn’t figure out why, as there are no dogs out here and he doesn’t bark at the rabbits and squirrels. Cody said there’s a cougar he’s caught drinking on the gamecam less than 1/2 mi from the house. 😬 I guess Boone is maturing.
He spooked at a case of water on the way into the house, but was totally nonchalant when he saw all these guys! :lol:

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