Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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After Fen being so much more relaxed last night, I put him to bed around 8:30 which is later than he goes to bed at home (I bolt the back door so he can’t let Boone in while we are asleep) I thought surely things were looking up and after dragging myself out to relieve Fen and check his food and water, I would only need to walk the green mile 1 more time, when we headed home.
I did go native, just wearing 4 day old jeans, a one night old Tshirt and a 3 day old button down, and stumbled my way through the myriad corridors to the ‘burb, 5 stories below.
I had to hit the key fob multiple times to unlock the vehicle. Hmmm. Upon opening the back, I expected him to greet me enthusiastically, ready for his pee/sniffari.
The first thing I noticed was Fen cowering in the front seat. I then noticed the empty dog bowl and sang his praises for breaking his hunger strike. Then I noticed the dimness of the overhead light. After that I understood why Fen was afraid. There was a pile of dog turds on Randy’s jacket. I started reassuring Fen it was okay, he couldn’t help himself, thinking it was odd he pooped at night…he finally came to me and let me put his vest on so I could get him out, and encouraged him to meet me at the middle seat door as it’s too high for him to jump down from the hatch. I carefully let the hatch down went around to open the side door without success. My key fob no longer worked. Neither did the lights. I crawled into the back hatch, got the poop in a poopbag, worked my way forward to the middleseat door to unlock it manually…and found Fen had removed and destroyed ALL of the door locks in his panic to get out. He also managed to turn on the lights, killing the battery.
Ok. There IS good news. I have to keep Fen in the hospital room now. After awhile he settled. We ordered sausage for him with Randy’s breakfast. As long as Randy doesn’t stand up and send Fen into a panic that he’s leaving, he’s been laying quietly.
I’m not sure they will release Randy like they said as it’s past time the Dr promised we’d be gone and we have yet to even hear from him.
But thanks to @SageHill being willing to share her experience, observations and expertise, Fen is having a much better day and subsequently we are too. God bless you


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
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Southern CA
Glad to put things in the way he sees things --- but you really knew it all along, you've just got so much going on. Oh Fen -- had to leave your calling card eh? And really dude, the locks? Seriously that would have been really bad if you actually unlocked and then figure out how to open the door. The vehicle is your 'safe place' buddy. You're club house, your hidey hole.
I know that wasn't fun finding all that out - but you had me laughing - I hope you can go back and read that and laugh sometime soon. 🥰 :lol:
It does make a good story. Kind of along the lines when robot vacuums "clean up" unplanned dog messes while the owner's away.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Ohhh, hope you have Rd service on your auto policy -- jumper service! Poor Fen. He was panicked! At least you weren't "locked out" 👍
By God’s grace, I happened to have ordered this last month because when Randy had his hip replaced in Nov, they loaded him in the passenger side, our battery was dead. We had to wait a really long time to get a jump because it was after visiting hours and no one was around. I had to BEG 2 old guys (says the 69 yr old broad) to do it for me.
Then a few weeks ago we had to have someone jump us in Burns when we went to get meds. You can jump your OWN battery with it!! Got it on Amazon ☺️


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
We’re HOME!!!!!!!!
There is NO PLACE LIKE HOME! And should you use bad judgement and mortgage your dream house to bail out your kids, at least there’s a ranch in Oregon we can live at…

Boone was SOOO excited to see

Fen. 🫤

Oh well. I’m happy to see him again.
I appear to have become a little psychotic as I bawled my eyes out then laughed maniacally throughout the 4 hour drive home.
I even chewed Randy’s ass out on the way home because he thought he was being cute and I told him he is way over his allowable quota of stressing me out and quit F-ing with me!!! (This was not me. I never, ever act like that) but he did quit, he also quit asking me stupid questions like “Did you call about your pain meds in Burns?” “Did you check to see if the tax guy got your e-mail Thursday?” and one or two other really STUPID random questions.
He is so lucky to be alive.
And it has nothing to do with his hospital stay.
The world has tried my patience one too many times this week.
I heard Satan is afraid of me.