PG or what?


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
Should I start getting a little excited ?????? I am trying NOT to but underneath I am. The way she pants when doing to much made me think she was farther along or that she has more than one in there. I sure hope if she only has one it is a MALE. I could then breed Nutmeg with him when he got older. I would then just have to find another male (Craig's List ) next year and get another male to breed with Java so that I continue to have milk. Still don't know if I like goats milk or not. Hubby said we would just wait till JC has her kid and then could find out. ( I really need this goat thing to work out since I am in a bummy mood today after loosing my one buck rabbit yesterday. Don't know what happened since he was fine in the morning when I went out to feed everyone and then at 3:30 he was dead and stiff. RIP Thumper.)

Guess I will just hope that it is 4 months and keep an eye on her.
Nutmeg will now come up to me more and want me to scratch her so that is a BIG step for her to start trusting enough to do that after less than a month.

THANKS for answering me and I hope you are right. Deb


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
Another question for you all who know more than I do. IF she is in her 4th month, should I go and get the stuff and give her the CD/T shot or wait a week or so? What would it do if I gave it to her to early or to late? Want the baby(ies) protected and she and Nutmeg are about due for their shots anyway. What does the Bo Se shots that I read about do and when or why do you give them?

I know I just lied. That was more than another question. I have SO much to learn and so little time to learn it all in. I really do appreciate all of you answering and giving me your expertise on things. THANK YOU. AND another question, what is Selenium? I did check my area and it said s e (ppm) 0.296 0.060 0.107 0.498 All this means nothing to me but it probably should I am guessing. My head is trying to adjust to all this information that I need to know. Have been writing things in a booklet to try and keep records of this and that. THANK you all so very much for you kindness and patience. Deb


Ridin' The Range
May 25, 2011
Reaction score
Upstate NY
I guess you can give to goats some of these:

Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are great as a snack or as an addition to salads, they are also a great source of vitamin E, iron, vitamin B1 (thiamin), B6, protein, magnesium, potassium, and copper. Sunflower seeds provide 79μg (113% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, that is 102μg (145% RDA) of selenium per cup hulled, and 22.2μg (32% RDA) per ounce.

#6: Bran (Wheat, Rice, and Oat)
Rice, Wheat, and Oat bran are great additions to breads and breakfast cereals like oats, rye, and buckwheat.
Wheat bran contains 78μg (111% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, which is 45μg (64% RDA) per cup, and 3μg (4% RDA) per tablespoon. Oat bran provides 45μg (65% RDA) of selenium per 100 grams, and rice bran contains much less selenium with 17μg per 100 gram serving.



Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
I get giving them the sunflower seeds and the bran. I did go to that sight about checking levels, that is where all those numbers came from.

But my main question I guess was, Should I give her the CD/t shot now or wait another month? She could be 4 months preggers so that should mean I should give her the shot, right? I don't want to do anything wrong so that is why I am asking you all since MOST of you know WAY more than I do since I have only been in the goat raising business since March 14th of this year. Not trying to sound snotty, I don't know diddly about this stuff and have read things you all wrote and you sound so knowledgeable so thought I would ask the experts. Thanks for all your help. Deb


Ridin' The Range
May 25, 2011
Reaction score
Upstate NY
I don't know where all of our experts are - they not posting lately. Must be busy with all of these zillions of babies born....
I only know what I read previously, what was posted by experts;

They are giving CD/T 2-4 weeks prior to kidding, so the antibodies are passed to kids.
And again, Some breeders never give any shots.

Then, they vaccinate kids at about 4 weeks.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
I think it is just busy season---kids on the ground equals no free time :)

Do you know when the last time was that your doe was vaccinated CD&T? If she is due for it or you are not sure of her last one, I personally would go ahead and give it to her now. Her kids should have some protection from it, and without a specific due date, I would error on the side of early rather than late (others feel free to object here). After kids hit the ground, mark your calendar for 4 weeks and give them their CD&T (2ml SQ). Have you ever given shots before?

BoSe, a prescription that your vet has to agree to give you, is probably your best bet IF you live in a deficient area (which you do since the numbers you gave are less than .5 ppm) and IF your vet recommends it based on his or her knowledge of any issues with white muscle disease in your area. Selenium toxicity is just as bad if not worse than deficiency so you need to be a little cautious in using it. If you would like to read more on why selenium is needed and what happens when a goat's diet is selenium deficient, here is a link to a decent article on white muscle disease.


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
Pearce Pastures;
Thanks for answering the main question about the CD/T shots, and NO I have never given a shot before. I hate needles with a passion for myself but knowing that they need a shot once a year I think I can do that or the hubby said he would help.

I have been reading about all the other babies on here so have been trying to patiently wait for them to have some time for me. I am envious of all the kids but know that hopefully soon I will have one or two. I still am such a green horn and know close to nothing.
Java isn't even a year old yet so I assume she has never had one or just one as a kid. She will be one on June 27th and Nutmeg just turned two on March 22nd. Figured that they were both about ready for the shots. Guess I will go tomorrow and get it and give them both their yearly shot and then when the kid(s) are born I will have a calendar in the barn and mark that for them at 4 weeks.

I wasn't sure what a BoSe shot was but need to get a hold of the vet in town and see what they do. I have seen people bring in horse trailers so know that they do larger animals but since I just got the goats I haven't talked to them yet. Guess they will need that as well. Thanks for the sight to go to. I will check it out shortly.

Appreciate your information and will heed your advice. You have more experience under your belt than I do. Hope I can learn it all since I am hoping to breed Nutmeg this fall and give Java a break for a year, maybe. I don't have a buck and don't know anyone close who does so will have to purchase a buck whenever I see one on Craigs list. THANKS so much. Deb


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
Well, I went and bought the shots stuff this morning while I was out and will have my hubby help hold or give the shots later. Took more pictures of both the girls so will upload them and share.


This is Nutmeg who wants her attention to. She has improved so much as far as letting my touch or pet her.


This is Java Chip and her little udder.