Loving the herd life
Those guys are soooo cute! I am guessign they are white dorper crosses? My friend has black headed dorperXkat crosses and they always are either solid black or holstein coloured. Your two are sooooo bright white!
Hair sheep taste so much better then wool sheep IMO. I cannot stand the smell and taste of wooly meat, one of our neighbours is even allergic to lamb, but we figured its just wool sheep meat she can't eat because she LOVES our meat from the black bellies and does not get sick from it.
With the hair sheep you can even eat intact older rams and they don't taste like mutton. I don't fix my ram lambs and grow them for about a year to two before we butcher to see who has trophy potential(to sell to the hunting ranches) and anyone who doesn't is freezer filler. Yummy!
We turned non-lamb eaters over with ours(one woman totally refused to even try it cause she loathes the taste, well last potluck we forgot to tell her one of the roasts was lamb and when she had like 3 helpings she asked what it was, she seriously went white when we told her
but she kept eating it ) , if the smell of regular lamb turns you off go with hair sheep.
Hair sheep taste so much better then wool sheep IMO. I cannot stand the smell and taste of wooly meat, one of our neighbours is even allergic to lamb, but we figured its just wool sheep meat she can't eat because she LOVES our meat from the black bellies and does not get sick from it.
With the hair sheep you can even eat intact older rams and they don't taste like mutton. I don't fix my ram lambs and grow them for about a year to two before we butcher to see who has trophy potential(to sell to the hunting ranches) and anyone who doesn't is freezer filler. Yummy!
We turned non-lamb eaters over with ours(one woman totally refused to even try it cause she loathes the taste, well last potluck we forgot to tell her one of the roasts was lamb and when she had like 3 helpings she asked what it was, she seriously went white when we told her