For those that are new to the forum and submitting pictures for the POW here are a few tips:
1. We pick a new picture on Sunday evening.
2. We really can't use a POW with humans in it, but if we can crop the person out and use the critter we'll consider it.
3. We'll ask for new submissions every week but we also consider all pictures previously submitted so there is no need to resubmit pictures that you've sent us before.
4. You can post the pictures here on this thread (preferred) or PM or E-Mail myself or ThreeBoysChicks with your pictures.
5. Feel free to give your photos a "name / title" so we can reference it when posting
Feel free to post a picture of chickens As long as it's your picture.
If you like a picture that another member has and think that it would make a great POW, then it's best to PM them and suggest that they submit it. We need the picture owner's permission to use their pic.