Here's my little milky-faced (and sided, LOL) doll, Annabel!
I tried to weigh tape her with a beef tape this said for a heart girth of 39", she's between 171 and 200 lbs. She's only 6+ weeks old...I say "No WAY!" T-Bone could easily be that heavy, but little Annabel??
Cold isn't the word for it! Your having cold weather, here it's been frigid. The barn ones are better this aft than they were this morn. It's warmed up to +1 and the sun is shinning. The silo room ones don't get the benefit of the sun so they are not clearing as much yet.
Anyone want to clean mangers either tomorrow aft or Sunday? They need cleaning and once all that stuff melts off it will be wet and heavy!
Oh, here's one of the whole fold (Scottish Highland speak for herd). Sheila and her calf T-Bone are on the left, Bridgit's in the middle (contorted as she's scratching her back with her left horn!), and Annabel being Miss Independent as usual off to the right. This was last week during the flooding.
Kitty, your pictures are just too cold!
I'd be glad to clean your feeders, but I have an appointment and the step brats might be over, you know I don't want to miss them!
those are cute lil furball calves thats for your lil girl looks to weigh close to 200lbs if not more.kitty if i was closer id clean out the mangers for you.thats going tobe a messy heavy job.
I suppose Annabel could be 200 lbs, but gosh, considering just six weeks and three days ago she was born at 62 lbs, WOW!!!
T-Bone I'd totally guess to be around 250-300. His mass is amazing. I keep asking the breeder to come up to see the babies...I think T-Bone will blow his mind! (He's 8 weeks and one day old now, and just today was finally comfortable enough around me to have a full combing...but not comfortable enough for the weigh tape!)