Pig food


Self Sufficient Queen
May 19, 2009
Reaction score
Western MA
When I was a teenager (a loooooong time ago in a place far, far away! :p) my farmboy father fed our pigs whole oats that were fermented for a few days in a pail of water. I don't know how long it took, but when it started to bubble, it was ready. His father grew oats and potatoes on their farm and that is how they fed the pigs. Boiled potatoes, too, but we ate our pigs before potato season began, so no taters for our pigs. Also, any household scraps and some access to pasture.

Whole oats were available very inexpensively from our neighbors' farms, bring your own barrels!

gaited horse

Ridin' The Range
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
ChickenPotPie said:
My sons are raising their first market pig. They feed Nutrena Ringmaster only. Nothing else. I tried giving it some strawberries once add it was not interested at all. The teen leader of the project then told me to not feed it anything else but the prescribed feed.

This sounds very different from what you all are doing. Has anyone raised swine this way? How do the results compare between the two method - all bagged feed vs. scrap/free range/pasture?
in 4-h they have you feed the pelleted pig feed so that the buyer does not eat something that is'nt good for them like raw meat. you don't have to use the same feed the whole club uses.

member 428

We just got a shoat about a week and a half ago. Thus far we've been feeding him ("it") all sorts of veggie kitchen scraps, plus whatever feed the goats leave behind. I've also got some cracked corn (they call it corn chops around here) that he goes nuts for. I sprinkle a small handful of kelp on top of whatever we give him, along with some wood ash for worms. We're starting to get more goat milk than we can use, so I'm sure he'll soon be getting the extra and/or older stuff.

I may turn him out on pasture here shortly and see what he does.