Pearce Pastures
Barn Babe
Hi, I'm a brand new-bie and am in a similar situation. I just got 2 precious week-old pygmy nannies from a local breeder. I have been reading for hours on the web to learn about them. A lot of what he said has been incorrect according to many goat owners; like use milk replacers. He also said to "keep them inside a pen in the barn until its 80* out or so.." They have never seen daylight! The barn was dark, with many crowded into small pens.
Okay, I need help from you all! I don't know where you are Creativity01, but I'm in SE Penn. and we're just getting mild weather. When can they go outside? Can I take them out for a short time with me in the sun at certain temperatures?
They have been nursing from their moms; will they have stomach problems these first few days on whole cow's milk? (I learned about the right ones.) Do I need a heat source near them at night? Is straw enough or do they need old blankets to lay on?
Thanks so much!!! I am so happy and grateful to have this amazing experience, I have wanted to have goats since I was 16! Blessings to all~
Welcome to goats!
You may want to start your own thread so your questions aren't buried in someone else's thread.
I am attaching a tip sheet that I give out when people buy goats from us.