Loving the herd life
Goat Breech Birth
New guy to goats I thought after 3 she was surely done with kidding.
Started about 3am Monday morning according to sounds on camera in barn. Breech pulled aprox 9am Tuesday.
She delivered while I was sleeping I went into the barn everything looked as it should after delivery (my 3rd goat kidding since I got them so shallow experience) She greeted me with a good morning and was nursing 2 happy kids. I found one dead kid in side stall and her placenta looked like it was doing what they do. I may have waited to long to check as I was told it is normal to take a long time for the placenta to come be patient and do not pull on it that I could kill her. I stayed awake all night in and out of the barn watching on a camera in barn. she ate part of the afterbirth and about 8am tuesday it looked like the hanging bits stretched apart and fell to the ground not delivered. I did a quick check and Dam, bones about 2 knuckles in. She had been trying to deliver a breech kid there was loose hair on my glove so I knew the sac had already broken. I managed to turn the kid and get a hold of the feet I let Momma push it out with contractions as I gently pulled with each one it took 2.5 contractions. she licked the baby, but it was still born and a little off odor.
Before going in, through the night I gave her
Vit B complex gel
Selenium and vit E Gel
Electrolite gel
Pumpkin seeds and Banana
Molasses water
after delivery She was still acting normal walking around eating hay drinking water nursing the kids. I gave her 4cc Terra-Vet 200. She has a good temp 102.9 and is acting like her self she is a great momma. But my concern is if she needs more invasive treatment or is she can expel fluids through natural process of her body. I just want to keep her healthy and alive with minimal invasion. her vulva is swollen and I washed her up plan to get prep H today and see if that helps with pain. I just know she is one of the goats that will be wonderful until she is dead, she really has no tells. I plan to monitor her temp and keep doing terra-vet, Vit B complex and pro bios for 3 or 4 more days just in case and then rebuild her gut flora with a cud transfer.
I am not sure if I should do an Iodine douche or just let her heal now. I want to do best for her. I do not have favorites in my heard.,But.....
any advice is welcome never have too much info.
She is still doing well today from all appearances
Yes, I have no Vet. I have not been able to find an actual GOAT vet (or I would get a stronger antibiotic). The last time I took a goat to the vet it was one expensive guess after another even with all their tools and I ended up saving him with help from this web site. I still have no diagnosis what was wrong with AZ but he is 100% now. So I figured go where you know you can get answers.
I had no intention of breeding her yet, she is a bit on the heavy side. so I was going to work with body conditioning first. She had other plans, I thing this was a through the fence meeting. Where there is a will there is a way.
New guy to goats I thought after 3 she was surely done with kidding.
Started about 3am Monday morning according to sounds on camera in barn. Breech pulled aprox 9am Tuesday.
She delivered while I was sleeping I went into the barn everything looked as it should after delivery (my 3rd goat kidding since I got them so shallow experience) She greeted me with a good morning and was nursing 2 happy kids. I found one dead kid in side stall and her placenta looked like it was doing what they do. I may have waited to long to check as I was told it is normal to take a long time for the placenta to come be patient and do not pull on it that I could kill her. I stayed awake all night in and out of the barn watching on a camera in barn. she ate part of the afterbirth and about 8am tuesday it looked like the hanging bits stretched apart and fell to the ground not delivered. I did a quick check and Dam, bones about 2 knuckles in. She had been trying to deliver a breech kid there was loose hair on my glove so I knew the sac had already broken. I managed to turn the kid and get a hold of the feet I let Momma push it out with contractions as I gently pulled with each one it took 2.5 contractions. she licked the baby, but it was still born and a little off odor.
Before going in, through the night I gave her
Vit B complex gel
Selenium and vit E Gel
Electrolite gel
Pumpkin seeds and Banana
Molasses water
after delivery She was still acting normal walking around eating hay drinking water nursing the kids. I gave her 4cc Terra-Vet 200. She has a good temp 102.9 and is acting like her self she is a great momma. But my concern is if she needs more invasive treatment or is she can expel fluids through natural process of her body. I just want to keep her healthy and alive with minimal invasion. her vulva is swollen and I washed her up plan to get prep H today and see if that helps with pain. I just know she is one of the goats that will be wonderful until she is dead, she really has no tells. I plan to monitor her temp and keep doing terra-vet, Vit B complex and pro bios for 3 or 4 more days just in case and then rebuild her gut flora with a cud transfer.
I am not sure if I should do an Iodine douche or just let her heal now. I want to do best for her. I do not have favorites in my heard.,But.....
any advice is welcome never have too much info.
She is still doing well today from all appearances
Yes, I have no Vet. I have not been able to find an actual GOAT vet (or I would get a stronger antibiotic). The last time I took a goat to the vet it was one expensive guess after another even with all their tools and I ended up saving him with help from this web site. I still have no diagnosis what was wrong with AZ but he is 100% now. So I figured go where you know you can get answers.
I had no intention of breeding her yet, she is a bit on the heavy side. so I was going to work with body conditioning first. She had other plans, I thing this was a through the fence meeting. Where there is a will there is a way.