Their house burned to the ground this afternoon during a thunderstorm, likely due to lightening strike. It was located about 100 feet behind my back property line. 2.1 inches of rain and the efforts of the firefighters were not enough to save it.
They are both in thier mid sixties. He was at home. He was out in his work shop that you can see at the right of the picture. When the storm came up high, it blew the door of the shop closed. When he came out after smelling smoke, the entire roof was involved. He had time only to grab his wallet and get out. His wife was grocery shopping and came home when he called her. Both are fine and insurance will cover it. My heart goes out to them both.
That poor couple, my heart goes out to them. I can't imagine losing everything, especially pictures. Thankfully no one got hurt and they do have insurance.