Herd Master
I have Nigerians also. I have no experience with full sized goats, but i can tell you that ND bucks grow pretty fast.s.z.ichigo said:You're supposed to put it on just one time, yes. We did multiple tries ourselves because it took a while to get the hang of it, and I kept doing it wrong. In theory, it's a single application.
My guys are about three weeks old now. They're Nigerian Dwarfs, so their horns don't grow as fast as full-size goats, but this is still a long time to be waiting, from what I've heard. It's hard to say how big the horns are, as I'm not sure how you're supposed to measure them. Most of them feel more like hard little mounds under the fur, rather than protruding horns.
We usually disbud at 7-10 days old. Bucks always, sometimes does need to be done that fast.
We did two bucklings on Sunday that were 11 days old.
At 11 days old, after we made the first burn, we took our hoof trimming shears and cut the bud back flush with the skull. It was already up about 3/8" above the skull.
We applied the second burn in a figure 8 so that the edge of the iron would be on the horn bud to carterize.