Thanks for all your wishes, I will bury her soon, just have to decide were. Our chances at Stock Show are bad, and I was really hoping to do well. As for a replacement show bird, I will start testing tomorrow and hope for the answer by the end of the week.
I think today is the day I will bury her, it won't be easy with the fact we give company and I will be seeing Pumpkin the last time. Also I think that I will try her sister Tiny for training.
Well, tomorrow is the day I will last see Pumpkin, had our company still been here my decision may have been different, Tiny is pretty good, but if all her siblings have gotten sick and died then I am not sure ant using her. I have D'Uccles that I might try but one hasn't been a fan in the past. My bigger chickens might work but would be harder at the start.