Porkchop48 - Long overdue LONG update


Alpaca Master
Jun 1, 2009
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North Central Ohio
I am so sorry about your fire! Glad no one was hurt.

You sure have been busy. Sounds like you need a day of doing nothing!


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Fires are the thing that scares me the most. :hugs


Ridin' The Range
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Malta, OH
They think it was electrical. The heat lamp in the brooder was in the opposite end of the garage that caught on fire so that was not the problem.

Thank you all for the well wishes.

The chicks are still doing great. I was worried I was going to find them dead the next day from the smoke, stress, etc. But it has been a few days and every one is doing fine.

I started some of the clean up today after work. It is very disheartening but still very happy that nothing alive was hurt.

Hubby still keeps asking me what I want for christmas but I honestly can not think of a thing I want. I have everything I could have every possibly wanted right here on my mini farm :)


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio


Ridin' The Range
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Malta, OH
Three more cows done :) We were suppose to take a break before we started in on pigs again... but the first pig arrived on Thursday. So much for a break. IT was less than a 12 hour break.

Work is still awesome. I can honestly say I love my job. Been a long long time since I said that.

Tow more round bales are being delivered tomorrow. Hopefully this is the last two I have to get. I have over 100 square bales over the hill in the other barn but with this funky weather it has been too hard to go over and get them. Too muddy for the truck to make it work it so the trips have to be made with the tractor.... Oh well as long as the goats get fed I am happy. $20 for a 600 lbs round bale is not too bad of a price either... Atleast I don't think.

I need to seperate the does out some time this week. A couple of them could start kidding as early as next weekend. It is just so hard to get them the amount of grain that I want them to have while fighting with the mini jack and big Phil the steer.

I did my see order last night. Even with a $100 discount I still ended up spending over $150 whoops... I started making my newspaper pots last night and hope to get more done tonight. I think I am going to need around 400-500 of them. I want to do one more order of seeds next week and then I should be set. Got the green house cleaned out today and hopefully can start getting the cabbage and cool weather crops going as soon as they get here.

Seems I have nothing else to do < insert sarcasm there I might as well get started on the garden :)


Ridin' The Range
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Malta, OH
Yet another one of those long over due long winded updates.

The remodel of the kitchen and dining room are almost done. The living room is halfway done. Halway done except paint and the 3 bed rooms and bath room have not been started yet. The basement is cleaned and newly painted and done so we are almost there.

I no longer have a donkey. DH shot him on Thursday. I came home from work at lunch and walked into the house to change clothes to go feed the bottle babies. DH says did you see your donkey by the dumpster, I had to shoot him. He then preceeds to tell me the donkey went nuts trying to kill goats. he said he was flinging babies right and left, chasing the does into the fences, one dove into the burn barrel to escape. He said he tried to stop him but could not get him to stop. I am sad over the lose of the donkey but on the other hand happy that the goats all made it thru it for the most part ok.

Picked up my friend Cricket the other day and drug her to another friends house to look at two nubian does I have been trying to get my hands on. The other friend is moving and looking to downsize a few goats. As soon as we walk in I notice a tiny spotted nubian in a stall by itself. I asked her why she is by herself. She says Oh I think she broke her leg. I ask if I can take her out of the pen. She stands her up and her one front leg bows horribly. I asked her if she was going to take her to the vet or atleast splint it. She says no. I immediately picked the doeling up and held her.. In my mind I am already not leaving with out that goat. I said a vert trip should not be too expensive and she just kinda ignores me. I aksed a couple more times... Are you sure you are not going to take her to the vet or do anything. I kept getting ignored. So the two big black nubians make it to the barn. I check them over. They are both bred to a nubian and due to kid in July. The one looks like she needs some good minerals but over all they both look pretty good. I decide I am taking them and also purchase a 3 month old saanen doeling for the cricket friend.... I owed her for watching my goats while I was out of town, what better to pay her with than a goat :)

So back to the baby with the bad leg, by that point in time I am tired of getting ignored and mad that she has left her like that. I asked if she would consider selling her. She said well I dont have anything in her any ways but really did not want to sell her. I offered her $5.00 and she took it.

The little girl is now at my house all splinted. A lady that works closely with the local vet helped me get it all wrapped and splinted and she is on limited space so she can not move too too much. She says she is 6 weeks old. I wish there was a way to know for sure. I am going to try to get her into the vet tomorrow to see if he thinks it needs xrayed or anything else done to it. She takes a bottle like a champ and does not have a fever so I am hoping she will be ok. She does put weight on it but after she moves alot.

I picked up my first heifer calf on Sunday. She is a 6 month old Scottish Highland. She is red and still a little skittish but slowly calming down. I will get some pics of her soon. Right now all I have is a crappy cell phone pic that wont upload.

Court tomorrow... Yippy. < insert sarcasm there. My renter decided to quit paying rent and then abruptly moved out. Left most of his stuff there. Now he is taking me to court for stealing his belonging because I had them moved to a storage unit. This will be fun. Not to mention the 2 and a half hour drive to get there.

Cross them fingers for me tomorrow.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Wow you've had a lot going on. :hugs Sorry about your donkey and the renter situation. I'm glad the goats made it through that ordeal.


Ridin' The Range
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Malta, OH
The little girl who was named Ilene did not make it. She slwoly went down hill and then quickly took a turn for the worse. Even working with the local vet we were unable to save her. Her broken lag also had a puncture wound which looked like it was healing well, no real fever but after getting her checked out and looking into it more the leg was broken right at at the knee, there was an infection in the knee and it had caused her to go septic. I was devastated. We tried everything we could for her. I was and still am fuming mad at the lady I got her from. She offered to refund the measly amount I spent on her but that was not the point. This was something that happened a while ago and could have been fixed.

Moving on to a light note. 2 new nubian girls came to live at the farm. I refer to them as the older style. They are HUge with the big roman noses, just a mild mannered as can be. They are both bred to a large nubian male with the same features. Due to kid in July. Not real happy about the july kiddings but I will make the best of it.

Ditto and Bailey my two smallish nubians are starting to get udders. Neither looks very pregant which I am happy about and hoping for small kids. They were bred to my fainter buck who is only about 70 lbs. Ditto and Baily are about 75- 85 ( ditto being the smaller of the two). None of their kids will be kept.

Red the boer buckling is doing great. We had a bout of the bacterial scours and visted the vet and he is back to doing great now.

The issue with the renters went well. They now owe us for storage fees for the belongings they left behind which is come close to the amount of rent they owe. It will not even come close to covering the damages but I am happy with atleast getting some of the back rent.

I came from work today at lunch to find two goslings had hatched. The geese were also sitting on some bourbon red turkey eggs so I they hatch as well. My sebbie goose is sitting on a mixture of GUinea eggs and some duck eggs. Hopeing some quineas hatch, I have a waiting list for them. I have a mallard sitting on eggs and about 4 other chickens, plus the one bator is almost full. Going to have little feathery things coming out my ears before too long.

Ok I have plenty more to ramble about but have to go feed the kids and check for more hatchers. I think I might pull the two goslings to start with and hope some more hatch. They have new homes waiting for them so I might as well pull them if I can with out losing a finger or hand.


Ridin' The Range
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Malta, OH
The guineas have started hatching, and the first Bourbon red of the year has hatched.

I have a waiting list for guineas so they need to get on the ball. I also now need to grow me up a new male as I peeled my Lavendar male off the road yesterday.

I have 4 maybe 5 goats due in July. The first up is due around July 3rd. I bought the two big nubians already bred not thinking about the whole kidding in the heat thing.

Tom the turkey is stalking me. he spends most night pacing in front of the front porch. Weird bird.

We signed more papers on the farm across the street and started our 3 year plan. This year we will start the orchard. It will be the dwarf fruit tress and roughly 40 of them in the one spot here and another 15-20 across the street. There will alos be 3 pig stalls/ pens built across the street. My billy goats and the cows will be moved acorss the street so I can get a better handle on who breeds who and when.

Bertha, Fiona and Ditto and Bailey are the 4 ( kreature is the possible 5th) due in July. Yesterday I pulled them all into the barn, updated their shots ( CDT and BO-se) hoofs, trimmed, wormed and python dusted. Every one looks good. Fiona and Bertha are sisters. They came from a set of triplets so I am hoping for atleast twins out of them. One is getting much larger than the other. I plan to keep a doeling or two from them depending on how progress is going across the street.

Short update - Not feeling well, off to shower and bed.