Possible head-tilt in rabbit, off balance, need opinions


Exploring the pasture
Jan 9, 2019
Reaction score
It doesn't look like anyone has posted in this forum in a little while, but I hope someone sees it as I'd really like some help in what I should do.

This morning when I went outside my older lionhead rabbit (10-11) fell off his balcony, and it wasnt just an accident. He tipped over and fell sideways. As I watched him hop around, he appeared a little off balance on his left side.

His head is the tiniest bit tilted to the left side, hardly noticeable. At one point he was sitting with his legs kind of spread out, as if trying to steady himself. (this was after I had picked him up to check for broken nails on his paws)

When I tossed fresh hay in there, he started to eat it. When sitting still he almost gets that pained look in his eye, but he does appear to be acting pretty normal and as the day progresses I'm not seeing it too much anymore. Was just as excited as ever to get his morning treat of dried pineapple.

I've been doing research but nothing really answers my specific case. I doubt a stroke because both eyes are functioning normally, his mouth is fine, no sagging or drooling. I'm worried this is just the beginning of head tilt, though I'm a little perplexed because all cases I've heard on basic sites say that the rabbit already has a bad case of head tilt and it's severe. I haven't heard of only slight imbalance leading up to a severe infection.

He isn't moving around much so it's hard to say how badly off balance he is. When going around though it's not bad--perhaps a slight sway or stumble. I don't want to upset him but I may take him out to see if he'll run around inside (it just rained last night--too wet in the yard) to see just how bad it is. I don't know yet.

I don't want to rush him to the vet quite yet but I'm beginning to think we may have to. I would like some input first though. I can provide pictures and videos if they're needed.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Ear infection or e. Cunniculi infection aka wry neck. Needs medication to get over it. Though I haven't had good response and have had to cull due to it.


Exploring the pasture
Jan 9, 2019
Reaction score
I've been thinking that, I've done so much research, trying to find anything that might cause loss of balance that isn't serious, but I just can't. I'm almost wondering if its an ear infection because when I looked in his ears with a flashlight earlier, I saw a little blockage of wax I think in the left one, which is the side he's tipsy on. He's had the cleanest ears ever and never gets wax in them. It feels almost coincidental...

I'm hoping I've caught it early enough, and I'm hoping we can get a vet appointment in today or tomorrow. Might not be able to though. May be he ends up not surviving it, I really hope he does though. He's been a valued pet and my friend for 8 years....Thank you for the reply. I'm sorry you've lost rabbit/s to this.


True BYH Addict
May 11, 2017
Reaction score
Sonoma County, California
I, too, think it can be an infection of sorts. Definitely take him to the vet.
I adopted a rabbit from a shelter years ago, who came to me with snuffles (grrr) and at some point developed an infection causing head tilt (hers was not severe) and balance issues. We put her on antibiotics and she recovered, regained her balance and only the slightest tilt remained.
So, it doesn’t have to be dire!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Exploring the pasture
Jan 9, 2019
Reaction score
Thank you! I always like to think the worst, I'm such a worrier haha.

I have noticed throughout the day that his nose has gotten a little wet, so I'm thinking it's some sort of infection. (just like, the fur clumps up a little on the nose, because it was/is damp. Not runny or sniffly or anything) He really hasn't gotten worse over the day, so I'm hoping it won't be severe. Definitely going to try my very hardest to get him over to the vet tomorrow! I don't see why I shouldn't, but I don't quite have my driver's license yet so there might be some finagling about if my mom or dad will come with me.

Thanks for your reply! Glad your rabbit got better. :)