Prayer Requests & Praises


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
That makes me so sad for you both, but more so for your grandson.

My dear Lord, my Father in heaven, I come to you in prayer. Oh my Lord, please heal the hurt in Parson45's family. Lord, please help Cecelia deal with the pain her daughter has caused by with holding her son from Cecelia and Parson45. Lord, I beg you to heal the heart of Cecelia's daughter and reconcile her to her parents. Lord, please bless this family and bring them back together in love of your word. Bless Parson's grandson and lead him in your path, let the love of Jesus and you shine in his heart. My heart cries for Cecelia and Lord, please comfort her.
In Jesus Christ I pray,


Herd Master
Apr 24, 2015
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I am so thrilled to see this thread doing so well while I have been absent. Needless to say, like every family, there have been struggles lately. Please keep my father in your continued prayers- he is still in a lot of pain after his wreck, and we have been helping him with his business to try and give him some relief.

I will be saying special prayers over you all- thank you everyone for helping this thrive. There are so many individual needs here, and it is wonderful thing to know that friends are praying over you! I just want to put a general prayer here- please feel free to say it yourself!

There are so many needs out there, and I pray that Your will be done in all things. Life is full of struggles, but I pray that those in times of hardship know You and find comfort in Your presence. May those who walk with You be blessed, and may those who don't know You be drawn closer. I pray, Father, that our homes be filled with laughter to feed our souls and our gardens filled with produce to feed our families. Bless the work of our hands, God, and watch over us each day. In Jesus' name I pray- Amen!


micah wotring

True BYH Addict
May 17, 2016
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Where the green grass grows
So, David, my boss, had his gull bladder taken out on Monday and is really slow and in a lot of pain. He is not aloud to lift more than 10 pounds for two weeks. That puts all of the pig work on me and his son who has to work else where a lot. It's gotta be hard on him to not be able to take care of his pigs.
Hopefully he get's feeling better soon.

Also, somebody at my dad's work, phil, had to have something done in his back and they did surgery. Then later he was driving off the exit ramp and stopped for the light but got rear ended by a truck and went rolling and flipping across the road and onto the entrance ramp. All while recovering from surgery. And then he went to the dentist and the pulled out his wisdom teeth and accidentally broke a part of his upper jaw. He is still working as it's a desk job but is in a LOT of pain.

Also, another guy at my dad's work, Jamie, has in laws who can't get out of the flood in southern WV. As soon as they heard the flood warnings they got in their car and drove as far as they could. When they couldn't drive any farther (I guess because of water) they got out and walked.

I shall continue to pray for these people along with @HomesteaderWife 's father and @parson45 's wife and daughter and grandson and himself. Of coarse there are other's I'm sure that need God for some reason or another so I will also pray that God, the only guy who knows everyones needs) will help them. Whoever they are.

Thank you all for you're prayers



Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
I haven't exactly had a spare moment to sit down and type this out with hospital visits, work, updating family, making sure family is ok and still managing to take care of the animals and myself with fitting sleep in there somewhere as well... A few BYH folks already know but for those who don't I haven't just disappeared but it hasn't been an easy week....

In The past week I have been absent, My nearly 91 year old grandpa has been in the hospital since The 27th. We were told to say our goodbyes, living will was read and they asked if he wanted to be blessed by a priest. He was then transferred and found to have a bladder infection, severely low hemoglobin and a heart attack. He was moved to general care one monday and it all went down hill again. We went to see him and he was in extreme pain and had been all day. We pushed and got answers. Another heart attack. He had an angiogram yesterday and found to have 100% blockage in an artery behind the heart and 80% in the other one.... 3 stints later, found that the infection is Ecoli from catheter and stressed kidneys, his BP was stable yesterday when I left him and he was getting another bag of blood and resting but his spirits were up from wanting to give up to cracking jokes. He is not out of the woods yet but we are hoping and praying this was a turning point.

For a 91 year old, he is still 100% independent living with his wife of over 60 years in their home on a lake. They both drive and he even works out at the YMCA three days a week with working out at home in between. This all came as a major shock to all of us and has sent us all reeling in the fact he is not sick or frail in any way. It all hit him at once out of nowhere.

Thank you all.