She is a big girl. Can't wait to see what you get. My first kidding last year was just 1 buckling. Now I have 2 girls bred.
I want 4 doelings Who dosen't, right??
I have never used a tape to measure the weight. I think Ill get one to check my chubby nigerian doe. She is so big, im worried, but maybe Im just used to smaller goats and she is just right.
Where on the body do you put the tape around WhiteMountainsRanch?
I am fairly inexperienced, but I'm wondering if she could be slightly bloated? My buck looked like he had an innertube around his belly. I gave him a CD&T shot and 3 weeks later, a booster. He has slimmed down a lot And I have not changed feed. So, I was wondering if you have given your doe a shot?
So I could get accurate weights, I bought a Large Dog Scale that goes up to 250lbs. It makes keeping track of weights easier. I found that scale for $100 after some hunting. It makes a world of difference compared to a weight tape.