Im so sorry .Typically this means it may need to be put down. However I have also heard of a surgery that some can do to make an anus. It won't be a guarenteed fix and if I remember it is costly. This is what sucks about farming
I’m not sure how it has survived this long!! Technically you have two options: call the vet or cull. I don’t think there’s much a vet could do (without getting crazy expensive if they are even willing to see if an opening can be created - if the intestines end in the correct area for such a “fix.”)
Yes, if it's female you can do nothing and see if she will survive to adulthood. If it's male you need to either attempt surgery (you or your vet), and/or put it down ASAP as it's a very horrible death when they do go.
I’m sorry for you and your piglet, but in this situation I’m afraid euthanasia is probably your best option. It can be a difficult decision, especially with a cute new piglet that you already love and adore but consider the quality of life this animal will have. You can pay out the nose for a surgery that might prolong its life. But if not You already mentioned the UTIs the animal will have throughout its life, and that’s not fair to her. It’s a hard decision and I wish it didn’t have to be made but there you have it.