Yes, I dosed him with the ivomectrian injected, then dosed him with safeguard for five days. Helped his color a lot. So just redose the safeguard again? I'll give him some Bose if I can find it,if not I have the bit E gel.
I sheared him with hand sheep scissors, as I didn't want to take off too much since it does get chilly here..... He don't look pretty but I'm sure he feels a lot cooler.
When did you do the Safeguard? If it has been more than 2 weeks and you are seeing improvement, then I would skip the Safeguard. He is going to take a long time to recover from this if it was meningeal worm and he may never fully recover. You may want to try giving him something like Dumor Liquid Flex to try and help with joints which may in turn help him more. I would also give him B Complex injections. Try once a day for a week and then back off to twice a week. I think it is whatever the dosage on the bottle is but you can't overdose that stuff. At this point it will be more about supportive care. If it makes you feel better that you got everything, then go ahead and dose the Safeguard again but you don't have to.