Chillin' with the herd
I just processed rabbits for the first time today. The rabbits were all NZ blacks, they were about 10 months old. There were 2 bucks and 2 does that I got off craigs list for free about a month ago. I have been trying to decide which to keep and what to get rid of. The bucks went first, holy moly they were grown into their skins. But I got through them alright took about 40 mins for those 2. the does were the same age but a huge differance in the skinning, they came right out of their hides. It only took about 20 mins to do both of them. They are fairly easy to process, next time I will have a better setup though for hanging them up for processing. Do you think because of their age that it will be like trying to eat an old boot?I have only eaten rabbit 2 times, I liked it I just hope that the family will like it also!