Your new babies! So cute!
Hoping you get mostly hens too. Seems like we got more hens than roosters in our last batch too. Maybe they are catching on somehow that if they are going to get eaten if they are boys
Not much has been going on. Treya is close to lambing but it could be 1 day or 10.... I am hoping on sooner than later as we are going to be gone overnight the next weekend after this one. ...probably she'll wait b/c of that... Chicks need to be moved out of their cage and hoping to get that done in the next couple of days. New donkeys are doing great, Izzy BRAYS VERY it!
Am going to talk to DH tonight about a barbados ewe and her 2 lambs....both are spotted and daddy is unknown so?? might tide me over til I can find some better PD stock (or travel to TX) . if DH will let me use the truck next week the guy can meet me on his way to an auction.... which would be much closer than the 2 hour drive to his house.
So we got up at 4 am, go the kids around and drove to a gas station off the toll road to meet a guy on his way to Shipshewana with a load of cattle AND an American black belly ewe and her 2 spotted lambs (daddy unknown)! 1 ewe and 1 ram. Mama and ewe lamb will be bred this fall to RP, and we'll see about the ram lamb there's a good chance he'll towards the freezer.... BUT he is getting horns, mama has scours and I think the little girl may be getting some too! These will have to do me til I get to Texas ( next year?????) for some registered Painted Desert Stock.
Of course now I need to go outside and decide how to deal with the fact that the new Mama decided that hanging in my ewe pen where Treya is awaiting her lamb to get here and babies are back in the other pen b/c they can't jump that high..... Not sure if she just wanted to be with the other sheep OR thinks they have a better shelter. So much for keeping them quarentined....
Owner did know the two ewes were bred(granpa) got the two hair sheep for the guys kid. But they raise wooled sheep... so didn't keep them very long...def a hair sheep but could be anyones guess what breed otherwise... my son named the ewe lamb Nibbler....