Promise Acre: Our Journey


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
So have been berry picking and freezing berries, and some more berry picking and more freezing. :) I do not want to pay grocery store prices on berries again!!! Have been picking a few tomatoes, cucumbers (made dill pickles) and this and that. Am thinking 2 more weeks and then I"ll be in full produce, people are getting anxious to buy so that makes me happy. I bought a victoriola strainer from a local gal but it doesn't FIT either my table or my counter.....DH is going to have to "fix" the counter so I can use it. Was going to use it on some blackberries to make jam without seeds BUT.....oh well they are now in the freezer. The same gal I got the strainer from has a small shop and used to sell lots of veggies but doesn't any more so she got some cucumbers and zuchs from my garden. We were talking tomatoes and how I ended up with 2 grape tomatoe plants instead of yellow jubiliees (GRRRR ACE hardware :barnie ) I already have 2 cherry tomatoe plants! Anyways she had a old customer call her last night about buying some cherry or grape GREEN tomaotes by the Peck! Thankfully she is also going to help me with measurements and pricing. God is GOOD! June and July is always tight b/c not a lot of OT for DH so....maybe with some veggie sales we can "catch" back up. Had another gal asking about corn....I just picked 5 teeny ears from the first batch so had to tell her 2 more weeks til the next batch is ready.

So Brownie is gone (new owner had to reworm her AGAIN due to bottle jaw, feel semi bad but she's in a much better place being a pet than a production animal) and now have someone else interested in a ram lamb whom I did not for a black/white PD ewe lamb!!!!! Guess word of mouth that you have hair sheep is the best way to go. Have to wait for the lamb to be weaned (she was born 7/18) but it's a go, if not back on the freezer list goes April twin ram lamb with 2 horns, minimal markings..... That puts us to only 1 ram to the freezer but with fencing/donkey issues I am hoping we get get some fall lambs (Little Barbie is looking extra "fluffy" and Big Barbie was bought "exposed") So.....crossing my fingers. If not I think we'll be ok b/c we agreed to buy a whole hog from my neighbors and he'll going to the processor next week. Then DH is really really hoping to get a deer. With all of that I am goign to borrow a canner to put less veggies in the freezer.

:fl for a potential buyer on the cart coming Sunday...(she is 4 HOURS away!) I told her everything I know so hope it all works out. b/c I would not drive 4 hours to not buy something..... so we will see :hide

That's what I've been up to lately... hope everyone is enjoying their summers! :celebrate

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Nice!!! My berry season doesn't start for a few more weeks yet!!! Can't wait!! :celebrate

So far it is just ruhbbarb for me.
Have a fun summer!!! :D


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Well schools have restarted around here, my DS will start preschool first week of September. Can't believe summer is almost gone, and though the temps have been pleasantly "cool" I am bummed that we barely had a nice warm summer. Barely got 4 good weeks for swimming! :(
Corn and beans are in the freezer/pantry. Have been letting friends come pick beans b/c I have quite the surplus. Tomatoes are just getting going decently so will be canning them next week? Hoping the melons get ripe with the cooler weather. Getting very few green peppers and had to buy some for my relish.
The cart is gone.... DH has been pulling garden tractors with his cousin so far no shelters made. UGH there's just too much to get done. I have some bunnies picked out BUT...can't get them.
Oh but I have 2 broody hens SO I ordered some Dark bramha eggs....have not told DH...guess he'll figure it out. :hide :fl crossing my fingers hens keep up being broody, it's 2nd time this summer for the orphington.

Sheep are doing well. Looks like little Barbie will have a 2nd lambing this fall (EDD now thru 8/23, then 9/30-11/21), and possibly Treya(EDD 9/30-11/21). :fl for Big Barbie (EDD 9/25-11/1)) but so far not a lot of belly on her but with her large frame I have hope. Smoke does not look preg of which I am glad she still limps. I don't plan on letting RP breed any til October so should no by then if they're going to have a fall lamb or not. Then he'll have 6 weeks to get the job done and the ones who don't have a spring lamb (unless they had a fall lamb) will be culled. Will have atleast 2 ewe lambs to breed next spring.

That's about it for now. :love


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Ok so got the brahma hatching eggs 3 weeks ago...there were supposed to be 10 eggs right??? well Beggars Farm sent 18!!!! So had some arrangements for Pearce Pastures to take the "extras" before I could deliver them to her DH said WELL you're at the farm store you might as well get a incubator so the kids can experience hatching eggs.... :lol: crazy man as his response to me telling him I bought EBAY eggs was "WHAT were you thinking???" :rolleyes: so got Benny the broody buff orphington got 6 eggs and the incubator got 12. Benny started sitting on hers on Aug 21 and got the incubator eggs going on the 23. we didn't candle Benny's BUT as of this morning we have 5 hatched!

The count for the incubator is 1 unfertile, 5 suspected quitters (only removed the unfertile one so far) and 6 viable. They just started the lock down today.

Here is RP almost shed out.

Glad the canning season is ALMOST done. I have froze green peppers, corn on the cob, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, blackberries blueberries and rasberries; made blueberry and blackberry freezer jam; Canned peaches, corn, greenbeans, salsa, tomatoes, tomatoe sauce; and dried carrots and eggplant. Still debating on canning more tomatoes and hoping to make some applesauce to can. It's been a busy summer BUT am so thankful for the bounty in my freezer and cubboards. (DH is wondering where the rest is going....guess he needs to think about building more shelves) OH he's upset to b/c the freezers are too full right now for icecream.....;) oh well it's not healthy for him anyways right?

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Congrats on all the little chickies!!!!!! :celebrate
Wow!!!! You have had a busy summer!!!!! :ep Guess you will be set for winter!!! ;)

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
:weee YAY!!!!! Isn't hatching fun?!

LOL, your hubby is going to probably wish he hadn't let you get is hard to stop hatching once you start.

Congrats on the babies.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
It's hard to believe it's October and I just picked another 10 gallons of tomatoes! We have 8 healthy chicks who got put in the coop last week, Benny is doing great. Ended up with 10 total that hatched but 2 from the incubator had infected umblical cords....:( 1 I euthanised the other acted ok but faded a couple of days later.
:( definatly wanting to hatch more eggs! Now I'm trying to guess how many girls and boys we got!

DH got my calf hut on blocks so another shelter for the livestock is DONE!! I caught Miss Bella the donkey...left the halter on her so I can work on her manners, she's not too bad but does need TIME!!! Took Naut and Rayne in a parade... It was a blast and they both behaved very well!

Oh and measured RP he's a 105 for his horns so that's a Silver status. Only 15 more inches to get to Gold. He was pretty good for it though definatly would prefer some help so I can make sure they're accurate. You have to get 12 measurements for the 4 horns! :fl for some lambs, fairly sure Treya and Big Barbie is bred afterall. I'm short a water tank come breeding time due to a crack in one and tadpoles in another so JR solved my dilema of where to put the young ram lambs with a water source. He randomly jumped in the Naut....(why I do not know!) and they're getting along. so I'll put the April ram lamb with them when RP get's his girlfriends. Which will happen this weekend.

FYI I have been keeping up with my FB page better than this so if you want to follow me on there it's under PromiseAcres :)


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
October really flew by. DH took a 3 day weekend last week and got the pool closed and garden is all done. We have supplies to get the shelters up but as of yet NO time.... things seem to be slower at DH's work BUT b/c he took time off will probably put in another full day today. GRRRRR Am not liking DH's new manager with the work yourself to death factory mentality. (he's works for a Case Dealer as a mechanic, so we expect stupid hours fall and spring BUT lately they're expecting 6 days a week all the time) Thought DH was going to let me get a large pony for me to ride but without time to build shelters doubt it will be soon. Getting depressed about not riding again BUT with two little ones not sure it'd happen anyways.

No lambs put all the adult ewes in with RP and he turned into a threatening pain! Noticed Big Barbie was totally frustrating him but not letting anything happen. From one angle she has a bag from another not so sure. She's with the ewe lambs now. Has til Nov 21 to lamb. If not when I put the ewe lambs in with RP she will go and get bred for spring. Fairly sure all 3 of other ewe are bred. for March/April. Hoping RP is just being a pain b/c of rut season... last year he was not used to me at all. He backs off after I back him down with his horns but it's getting old. Avoiding going in their pen. I pulled them off the pasture for winter so can throw the hay over and don't have to move them morning/evening. Dec 4 JR is scheduled to the processor, and other ram lamb should be traded this month for a ewe lamb just working out details.

Definatly OVER the donkey thing....IDK Bella is such a hot/cold animal. I really don't know how to train her, though I know she just need some time. Get's old when you catch her and she freaks b/c of a leadrope.... I know people who LOVE the donkey attitude. but I'm over it no matter how cute they are. An intelligant animal does not see deer 1/4 mile away (in the opposite direction and there on a daily basis) then refuse to go to eat in the pasture and whoever says they have no flight instinct lies!!! They have no problem bowling you over if something MIGHT be scary. Ok Rant on donkeys is over.

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Heres to wishing for some extra time to get your shelters put up!! :fl :fl
I finally got rid of my threatening, pain in the butt ram last month!!! It is sooooo nice now! :D I can walk althrough the herd of ewes and rams and not have to worry about a thing!!!!


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Got the lambing/isolation shed framed.

Didn't further b/c we found this on a FB sales page and it was the right price and only 20 minute drive.

Will be using it next Saturday for a sheep trade, ram lamb for a ewe lamb! :)

Also have more eggs in the incubator! Hatch day is November 20. :) Am thinking i only got one Roo out of my Dark Brahma group. This next group is mostly Americana (for an aunt), Domique, rhodabar, and Russian Oraloff.