Some recommendations: Get in the habit of checking your gas levels monthly. Propane tanks shouldn’t go below 30% filled. I think it has something to do with pressure needed to “push” the fuel to your appliance, but don’t quote me. I note my readings on my calendar on the first of each month.
Ask if your supplier offers a “summer fill” option. In my area, the supplier tracks fuel costs and schedules deliveries during summer months when the price is near its lowest.
If sudden temperature changes and condensation are a potential problem, ask about an additive to prevent moisture buildup in the tank. I had a regulator freeze when up-and-down temperatures caused condensation, then we dropped into the 20’s. A frozen regulator delivers insufficient fuel to run appliances.
Ask if your supplier offers a “summer fill” option. In my area, the supplier tracks fuel costs and schedules deliveries during summer months when the price is near its lowest.
If sudden temperature changes and condensation are a potential problem, ask about an additive to prevent moisture buildup in the tank. I had a regulator freeze when up-and-down temperatures caused condensation, then we dropped into the 20’s. A frozen regulator delivers insufficient fuel to run appliances.