No. It goes gray really quickly. She’s already gray next to her skin.
She’s called an “Ag gray.” Ag is considered a pattern along with katmoget, gulmoget, solid, and white. Ag is a fading pattern and it masks katmoget, gulmoget and solid. Each sheep has 2 patterns. She’s Ag from her mom (who is Ag/solid) and solid from her dad who is (Katmoget/solid).
I don’t like the Ag gene as it hides so much and I love the colors so I’m trying to breed it out of my flock as much as I can. So far there’s only one obvious Ag. The youngest ram lamb might also be Ag, but I can’t tell yet. 1 Shetland left to lamb and she isn’t Ag so I won’t get any Ag lambs from her.