I always said that I didn't ever wanted those "silly, useless sheep", but I'm kinda liking these girls. Bridget, in particular, is bug-eyed. She is a love though.
Bridget's daughter, Rosa, lambed tonight. She had 2 girls. I sort of wanted a ram and a ewe from her (for showing purposes), but 2 girls are better than 2 boys. The 3rd Shetland, Ingrid, will probably have the needed ram lamb, but I won't be able to use him for showing because he won't be registered.
My sister's little Old English Game Bantam has been sitting on a nest under the sheep feeders and I saw one little black baby this afternoon. There may be more that I couldn't see.
It's been a babyfull day!
I'm not sure how much sleep I'm going to get tonight. There are at least 2 other suspicious looking ewes out there.
Haec had twins! 1 ram, 1 ewe. The ram is black except for a big white spot on the top of his head and the tip of his tail and the ewe is all white. They are Friesian/Shetland/Texel/Border Leicester/Dorper crosses.....try saying that 6 times fast. Pictures of all the new babies will come tomorrow.
Any Dorper/Katahdin/hair sheep people out there who can tell me if he is going to be hairy instead of woolly? It looks like hair to me!
#X010 - girl
The new guy in town
He is a Holstein/Jersey cross that was born 4/27. We picked him up this morning. The farm held on to him longer than usual to make sure that he was completely healthy because they felt bad that Roger got sick. (Roger is completely better now!) There is some debate in regards to a name, though. Lyd wants to name him Mortimer - Mort for short, but my dad wants to call him Herbie...I think we should compromise and call him Merbie.
Roger, Winston, and Bennett
I am sooo tired now. I didn't get to bed until close to 1:30 am (way past my bedtime!) and was up by 6.
The ewes with lambs that are at least a month old and anyone who was not pregnant got put out on grass yesterday. They filled up on some hay before they went out and we'll continue giving them hay in the field for a little bit. Hopefully we will avoid the scours!
There are twelve ewes (5 with lambs and 7 that are yet to lamb) left in the paddock. It is so quiet out there! 4 of the 7 pregnant ones look imminent, but the other 3 are probably a ways away yet/
The chickens are happy the worms and bugs are back.
Here is one of the chicks that hatched recently. It appears to be an Old English Game Bantam/Sumatra cross. It's so tiny! I kidnapped it from mom for a few minutes to take some pictures. The mother, Priscilla is awesome. She lets me reach right under her and hold her babies without pecking me or fussing, but she will protect her babies from the other chickens.
I don't know which pciture is cutest!!!! Makes me want to run out an get more chicks, some calves, sheep.....oh where am I gonna put them all? Wonder if I can buy the neighbor's corn field?